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I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. She immediately hugged me back, stroking my hair.

She sniffled, "Happy? That's the big secret." Tears flowed down her face, eyes glistening. Ginny was gobsmacked, her eyes trained on Mom. She had been pressuring Mom, believing she did all this to hurt her. In reality, Mom was only trying to get away from her demons, determined on us having a happier life.

"You were abused? Like... like Y/N? Is that why she knows?" "Surprise!"

"Mom, I..." Ginny gasped, "Mom, I don't feel too good."

"Toilet, stat." They jumped up, running towards the bathroom. The sounds of Ginny's vomit hitting the toilet water were enough to make me gag.

Mom sent Ginny to bed straight after, giving her a glass of water to sip throughout the night. Mom went to bed, not long after her. She was tired, physically and mentally, from the earlier day. We all needed to take a break from each other, basking in the comfort silence gave.

Ginny woke me up, grunting about Abby's Snapchat story. Abby had posted her drunk speech, cutting off once the police walked in.

"How are you feeling, champ?" Mom walked in with a box of doughnuts. "Doughnuts soak up alcohol. Hashtag science."

Squeezing together, Mom slid in between us, shaking the doughnuts. I took out a glazed doughnut, chomping half of it in one go.

"Aww. Come here." Mom pressed us against her, "My sweet girls."

"I'm sorry I snuck out. And, Y/N, I'm sorry for leaving you behind, I got too caught up in everything."

"It's fine." I gulped the doughnut down, throat sticky.

"And I'm sorry about the thing you said. The abuse thing. Is that why you're so strong?"

"Because I was abused as a kid? No, I'm not a Game of Thrones character. I would've been way stronger if I didn't have to spend so much energy dealing with that shit. I'd be the freaking president."

"Are you guys okay now?" Ginny asked. The room went silent.

I sighed, "I don't think anyone becomes 'okay' after going through something like that, but I'm surviving. Marcus is helping, a lot."

Mom nodded, "Depends on the day. It never really leaves you, but, yeah, I'm okay now. Thinking about it... makes my insides cringe. But, hey, some memories are good and some suck balls."

Mom pulled out a picture of her and Zion, smiling. "Look at Dad! And you. You're babies!"

"You girls are growing up and I gotta start acting like it." "And I will prove to you how mature I am as soon as my head stops pounding out the song of that scary dancing baby that gave me nightmares as a kid. From that show you like with the slutty lawyers?"

"Ooga chucka—" Mom hummed.

"Ok, I will pay you any amount of money to stop doing that." They laughed before turning to me, sharing a look.

"What?" I stuffed another doughnut into my mouth, chewing slowly. "Oh! Uh, I will stop leaving my dirty dishes on the side and not in the dishwasher..?"

They laughed at my panicked state, Mom taking the box away from me as I went for my third doughnut. Splitting one in half, she shared it between Ginny and I, it was coated in sweets and sprinkles.

"Hunter went down on me."

"Ok. Ok, I'm we're doing this."

"Marcus and I had sex... twice, and he also went down on me.. twice." I sighed.

"Oh my." Mom gasped.

"Wait,, do you not want to? I just thought— I mean, you told us..."

"No, no, no. Just give Mommy a moment. Hunter went down on you." Mom looked at Ginny. "And you and Marcus had sex twice and he went down on you... twice. Fun!"

"Then I got drunk and professed my undying love, and Abby posted it on Snapchat."

"Ok, you tell her to take it down or I'll post this." Mom pulled up a video of Abby's singing and dancing, it was embarrassing to say the least.

"Oh, diabolical, yes." "You feel like an adult now?" "Yeah. I do. It's weird, but hey, Y/N, you're next."

"Can't wait."


i woke up singing hunters song..

anyways, the smut in the dream is the last smut i'm writing because they're minors👍🏾. (so am i..)

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