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Today was the day! The day in which I would leave the wretched walls of the infirmary. I knew I was going to scrape the shite of other living beings but that didn't matter. My body was itching to move around once I got the go ahead from the nurse.

I was walking down the main hallway listening to the sounds and smells wafting through the air. There were students in the summoning chamber learning from Captain. The sensations that could be felt by the students is what I felt. One of the students was attempting to produce a shield but could not muster the connection between his body and the magic within the small lizard type demon.

I stop my advance as realization hits me. How is this possible? The door is not open. My eyes cannot form the pictures they are supposed to. My ears don't have the power to hear through soundproofed rooms. My eyes are still bound by the dingy cloth. How can I see these things?

I start to panic. My breathing increases, heart racing. The sounds enlarge overwhelming my senses. Crouching down, I hold my ears hoping this gesture would defuse the sounds. Tears run down my cheeks as a warm liquid escapes my ears. A distinguished clacking resonates in the hallway increasing my pain, stopping right in front of me. I know who it is before words reverberate from their lips.

"Oh look! It is the demon-bait. When did you crawl out of the ether?" his voice stung out.

"Oh when are they going fishing again?" said their thoughtless lackey.

"Shut up you! I didn't tell you to speak!" said another female voice.

The Forsythe twins and their mentally lacking minion's sounds pervaded my auditory vestibules adding to my agony. Couldn't they just leave me be while I recuperate?

"Maybe she needs to be reminded of her place, dear sister."

"I believe so, dear brother."

"Am I your sister too?"

"Ugh, remind me why we even allow her in our presence."

"Please stop," I croak out of my clenched teeth. Something started to stir within me, attempting to be released. Wind started to swirl whipping my hair around. The blind fold loosened and was stolen by the wind.

"What is going on? What are you doing?"

"She isn't using any scribes!"

I look towards them. They slowly backed away their faces giving out their fear. Something inside starts to awaken and release from my core. The students started to leave the classroom noticing the stir of mana. Everyone backs away from me scared of what was being released. I was too far gone now.

A platinum blonde blur appeared before me. I felt a light pressure on my chest and right ear.

"Esprena cani no bedein"

The stirring mana overload lay to rest with the familiar language. I slumped forward but someone caught me before I fell.

"Young one I have you. Come now you must rest."

I tried to focus on the person talking to me but my eyes couldn't form the picture that I wanted.

"Do not worry. I will take you home."

He lead me away from the multiplying crowd to an area of the school I have never entered.

"I have come sensing your presence. Our elders are looking forward to meeting you, young one. We felt your awakening and his presence inside your soul," his sultry voice reverberated.

I felt a connection with this person but I couldn't place it. I felt whole when he was around. There was another who I felt the same connection but she was far in the common's wing. How I knew she was a she I didn't know.

"Young one, you are close to fully being what you were meant to be. A few more moons you will be a full elf."

Ether's Clutch (Summoner fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora