2-Not so Radiant, Carefree, Dreamy Adrien

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Just as Adrien started to fall asleep the sun crept in waking him up. Adrien was exhausted and looked like a wreck. His hair was chaotic, he had deep eye bags and looked nothing like the typically Radiant, Carefree, Dreamyyyy, model that he normally appears as.

"Oh boy, Adrien you look worse than a 1 month old piece of camembert. You look a mess, what happened?"

Adrien groaned "I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about Ladybug and how disappointed she was in me"

"Oh pleeeasseee, get over yourself, it's no biggy"

"Well to me it is! Ladybug's trust meant the world to me. Without her trust I feel empty inside" Adrien felt a sudden rush of sadness and placed his hands over his heart. He looked out at the window not wanting to leave for school. Until Natalie barged into his room telling Adrien that it is time to leave for school. Once Adrien was on his way to school he thought of what he should do about it.

"What if I talk to Nino, he is my best bud after all, wait no, he will think i'm weird, plus he's always with Alya" He thought to himself.

Adrien arrived at school and before stepping into the building he took a deep breath. He looked around the courtyard to see everyone so happy. He saw Nino was with Alya, Rose listening to music with Juleka, Mylene laughing with Ivan, Marc talking to Nathaniel about their comic. Until the realization that Marinette was the one who got them all together.

"Of course! Marinette! She is a great friend and is always here to help everyone, I should talk to her!" exclaimed Adrien

Plagg peaked out of his bag in agreeance.

As usual Marinette was late to class.

"Okay, everyone I'm going to be starting attendance," said Mme. Bustier "Adrien?"


"Marinette? Marinette? Mari-"

Marinette came bursting through the door and tripped over Nino's bag that was placed on the floor

"Ahhh.. i'm here, i'm here" shouted Marinette as she was gathering her school supplies off the floor

"Glad you could join us Marinette, please take your seat" Mme.Bustier said while pointing to her seat

As Marinette took her seat she noticed that Adrien seemed off. Well firstly he was a mess but she had a feeling something was upsetting him.

"Hey Alya, what's up with Adrien?" whispered Marinette

"Oh girl, I have no clue. I'm just assuming that he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or maybe he had a late night photoshoot" Alya whispered back

"No he didn't have a photoshoot, I would have known if he did" Marinette, being slightly creepy, knew Adrien's schedule like the back of her hand. She knew in her heart that something worse had happened but she had no clue how she would approach Adrien about it. After all, anytime she had a conversation with him she always tripped on her words and freeze.

Mme.Bustier finished attendance and told everyone to get their history textbook. Marinette reached down to her bag while simultaneously Adrien went to grab his. At that moment they both locked eyes. Being a typical Marinette she froze and started to blush. Adrien smiled and waved at her.

"Hey Marinette, how are you?"

This was the best way to start off Marinette's day, by talking to the boy she loves. In complete awe from their eye contact Marinette stuttered on her words and started to blush harder.

"Oh hi! umm your hot- ahh I mean oh boyyy am I hot in this jacket. I'm grrreat!" exclaimed Marinette awkwardly

"Hey can I talk to you after school?"

"Huh? I mean yes, yes of course! Hehe"

"Great I'll meet you after school in front of the main doors"

During the rest of the school day Marinette spent her day replaying that interaction with Adrien. She completely forgot all about Adrien looking off today and just continued to look forwards to meeting up with him after school"

After school Adrien was waiting out at the front of the school. He was very nervous and didn't know how to talk to Marinette about this. Adrien was looking anxious while fidgeting with his ring miraculous.

"Plagg, what do I tell her? I cannot tell her about me being Aspik or Cat Noir that would put me jeopardy!"

"Be creativeee, make something up, but relate it back to asking her how to gains one's trust"

"Oh wow Plagg, that was probably the best advice i've ever heard from you" 

"PFFTTT sometimes you forget how awesome I can be" Plagg said while doing an imaginary hair flip

Adrien sees Marinette coming his way "oh shoot, go back in my bag and don't say a peep"

Adrien zipped his bag and back to waved to Marinette

I trust you Adrien-Miraculous FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz