My Time: 31

341 23 16

Asian: "I need to tell you something..."

P.O.V: Royal T

"what you need to tell me pooh"

"stop fucking touchin me Max damn" I said laughing, he always tickling or touchin me

"I set you up" Asian said looking down at the floor

"huh- what was said?" India yelled from the kitchen

Now everybody crowded around the living room

The fuck- she set me up, we was cool though? what the actual fuck


Asian: "The night you lost the twins.."

"you fucking bitch" Mari whispered, shaking his head

I looked at her like I saw a ghost...

I didn't have anything to say to her

I couldn't have anything to say..

I should have a lot a questions right now but all I can ask is...

"w- why" my voice cracked a tear came out

Asian: "I was jealous of you, at the time I wanted Fivio and the- then you tell us that you having his kids and I was so angry at the time and I wanted to be the one to give him children first but I- I- realize now that-"

Vince: "and...."

Asian: "and I was the one who broke you and Fivio up that night....with the help of your mom"

"this whole time I time I thought I did something wrong you hated me for some pretended that I was a bad person so- so-, what?"

I walked upstairs and went into my room. I got my gun and loaded it and ran back downstairs, I let off two shots before Fivio grabbed and held me tight.

They didn't hit her

I waited for her response but didn't get a answer. She started stuttering over her words

Asian: "i- i-"

"so YOU wouldn't feel guilty about the shit you did. YOU MURDERED my UNBORN KIDS. OUR KIDS" I yelled at her and pointed to me and fivio

She looked around the room. At me, then fivio, the von, then pop, then durk, then tjay and polo. And right back at me.

Mari and Vince backed away into the kitchen

Von: "T..put the gun down..just calm down for a minu-"

"NO!..SHUT UP, UNLESS YOU ARE MY don't get to tell me how I AM SUPPOSED TO FEEL" I waved the gun around and aimed it at Asian

I am standing face to face with the murderer of my kids. I'm at peace now though. I know they are safe up in heaven and I have come to terms with it a long time ago. I have forgiven the person that murdered my kids. But i didn't know it would have been my bestfriend

I lowered the gun down

Asian: "I'm sorry T, I should have told you this before and I know you hate and all I can say is that i'm sorry"

"I don't hate you, i forgave the murderer of my kids a long time ago" I said calming down

 I looked her in her eyes, I might regret this but life is too short to hate anybody, I loved this girl with everything in me...I have to move on with my life. 

"But I have lost all respect for you and im not gonna disrespect you either. I- I don't feel the need to associate myself with you. I really have nothing to say to you anymore"

Fivio: "baby...give me the gun and come on, upstairs" he whispered in my ear

fivio is the only person who can calm down in a moment like this

I nodded, gave him my gun and I walked back upstairs and into my room with him

he sat down on the bed and pulled me on to his lap

"how can you be so calm about this Max"

Fivio: "I'm not, I wan't to kill her just as bad as you do. But I kinda saw this coming, i didn't want to believe because she was you and India bestfriend"

"She killed them..."

Fivio: "she didn't pull the trigger-"

I cut him off "she paid somebody to do it though"

It was quiet and we just stared at each other, until I broke down..I can only cry and let my feelings flow in front of Max.

P.O.V: Maxie/Fivio Foreign

I laid T down, she fell asleep crying in my arms on my lap. I've seen her crying before but this is another type of hurt. I wasn't even worried about me, I knew Asian had something to do with everything the story didn't add up, but I didn't want to say anything because T was going through it.

I went downstairs and everyone was sitting on the couch, but nobody was watching tv or playing the game. And then i saw her...the person who hurt my kids. She was arguing with India

India: "How could you even do that? Your own niece and nephew, or what would have been. What did you gain from that?" she sounded so disgusted and heartbroken

Asian: "Im so sorry you guys, I- but India your still my friend right"

India: "I will NEVER be friends or even cool with you- with the person who killed my God Children."

Asian: "But I didn't hurt you-"


"india.." She looked at me and then turned back to misha

India: "im not going to sit here and be friends with somebody who has done nothing but brought pain and LIES to my sister. Just because you have 'never done anything to me' doesn't mean it doesn't hurt me also. MY GOD CHILDREN. You aren't with us, you are against us. You ain't nothing but a damn shame to everyone.

She looked back at me "Im gonna go see how T doing. Mari..Vince, come on"

Asian: "I- I'm sorry- Fivio, I know it was stupid and selfish at the time and I know nothing can bring them back I-"

"I forgive you..T forgives you, we forgive you Misha. I just wish you would have come clean about everything sooner.

Asian: "I know.."

"i love you" i whispered to her, making sure only she can hear me, hugging her

"i love you too maxie"


you are dumb, like you are really dumb bitch

you are dumb, like you are really dumb bitch

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Thoughts on this chapter?

On Royal T? pooh is going through it, we hate to see it 🥺🥺







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