St. Patrick's Night

Start from the beginning

There were quite a few pubs around, most of them were decorated for the night, you could see groups of people having fun, and music coming from some of the pubs. It made you feel a bit better, and a smile tugged at your lips, but it died when your eyes landed on a pub on the other side of the street.

Two of your coworkers were outside, smoking and joking, laughing together, one of them the woman who was supposed to pick you up, and you were sure that you'd find the others inside the pub. So, they had gone out but hadn't bothered to tell you...

On one hand, you felt like crying, like an idiot, unwanted...on the other, you felt murderous angry, you felt like going there and yelling at them why they were such assholes...but you didn't want to cause a scene, you wanted to act like you didn't care at all, you'd go to work tomorrow and pretend that you hadn't been waiting for them, you didn't want them to know how it had hurt you or that you cared.

And to think that you had tried to be friends to such were better off alone.

You turned around quickly, before they could spot you, and began walking. You weren't paying attention as to where you were going, walking in the opposite direction from where you had come, you were too wrapped up in your own head, having a mental argument with your coworkers, yelling at them all what you wanted to, but that you wouldn't in real life, and you didn't realize that you were leaving behind the area with the cute pubs, the parties and the groups of people, your anger making you walk fast and being more careless than you usually would.

You had just won your argument inside your head for the second time, making your coworkers see the shit of persons that they were, when suddenly you realized that you were walking aimlessly and had no idea where you were. You looked around....everything was darker than you'd like, the streets narrow and shadowy, and you didn't like it at all.

You turned around and tried to backtrack to the area with all the pubs, or anywhere with more light and people, or any big street where you could get a cab, but you realized that you had been so inside your head that you didn't remember much what streets had you followed, as if you had gone in autopilot. Great.

You tried following the ones which looked less dark and narrow, but soon, you noticed that a man was following you. You took another street just to check, but you could still feel the person walking behind you, and you didn't know what to stopped, trying to see if you were imagining things and he'd walk past you, but when you turned around to look, you saw him heading straight towards you, eyes on you.

You didn't know what to do, but out of instinct, you reached into your coat's pocket, taking your keychain. You had gotten it when you moved into the city because it opened into a small pocket knife, in fear of finding yourself in a situation like this. The blade was tiny, but you hoped it'd discourage the man from robbing you or whatever he wanted.

"Stop!" You held your little pocket-knife in front of you. "Leave me alone!"

Before you had time to react, though, the man closed the space between you two fast, grabbing you by the throat and smashing you into the wall. You grunted, half in pain, half in shock, before reacting, trying to struggle away from the man, trying to kick at him, but his grip on you was strong.

"Let me go!" You yelled, managing to lift the hand that was holding your tiny blade, slashing the man's face with it. It was a superficial cut, but the man grunted and let go of you, throwing you to the ground.

"Bitch!" He barked at you but you ignored him as you rushed to get up, but the man was trying to grab you again, this time holding a pocket-knife too, and his was way bigger than yours...shit...

Before you could try to break free or slash the man's face again, he was pulled away from you, and you looked, wide-eyed, how a guy wearing a long black coat yanked the man away from you, while another guy with what seemed the same coat punched the creep.

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