Okay, did I have a crush on him? Yes. It all started the day he first kissed me cheek, and then we spent everyday after that together, we wrote songs to each other(one of them being lovely), we put locks on each other's Instagrams, and went to 'In-N-Out' together, it just happened. But it was a tiny crush. Nothing too much. I think. He's just... nice, and talented, and caring, and thoughtful, and funny, not to mention his hair...and the eyes... and- He's a little bit of everything.

"I feel like we should add something after 'I can't just pretend I'm movin' on' it feels rushed to the chorus." I shrugged.

"I'm tired." He said, laying on the couch, unintentionally placing his head on my lap. Sometimes his inner 5 year old would come out.

"But we really have to finish the song." I laughed, playing with his hair. We stayed there staring into each other's eyes. Everything sort of stopped.

"Can we watch a movie and then finish the song?" He said, breaking the silence.

"No, we have to finish it first." I said.

"Okay, I'll set it up." He smiled, turning on the TV.

"Didn't you just hear what I said?" I laughed.

"Yes, but I'm going to put it on anyways." He grinned. 

"No, you're not." I laughed, taking the remote control from his hand, getting up, running away from him.

"Oh, so we're playing that now?!" He said getting up too and chasing me. He caught up to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, pushing me back to him. His other hand was free to get the control. "You really thought you were going to get away from me?" He whispered in my ear. I melted, forgetting about the control in my hand.

"Haha, bye!" He laughed, running back to the living room. He turned to the TV and started looking for a movie. I had no other choice but to jump on him. So I did. He lost balance, making us fall to the couch with me on top of him. 

"M-maybe we sh- should... um, work on the song." He agreed, placing me next to him. I've noticed that he stutters sometimes when we get close.

"Uh, yeah... the song, haha." I laughed nervously. Then,there was a knock on the door.

"The pizza's here!" Josh said, after he opened the door. No one will ever change my mind that he's a 5 year old, with the mind of a 40 year old, in the body of an 18 year old.

"Can we at least watch a movie while we eat the pizza?" He asked with a pout.

"Fine. But only until we finish the pizza." I gave in. We started watching old Glee episodes. 

"Glee looks so much like our show." He chuckled. It was true. (N/A: I've never seen Glee so I don't know if it's like hsmtmts :P, Tim says it does look like it, so! )

Josh's house is always chilly because the heater gives him headaches, so I got cold. Then I felt something hit me. It was his hoodie.

"Put it on, you're cold." He laughed. I'm kinda shocked he knew I was cold, he seemed very interested in the show.

"Thanks." I smiled. Then I felt him grab my waist, pulling me in between his legs.

"I'm going to get cold now. I need you to keep me warm." He said, hugging me from behind. I instantly blushed. 

Josh's POV:

Was I shocked at what I did? Yes. But I'm impulsive. I do that sometimes. The part I was mostly shocked about was her not pulling away from me. 

"Livvy, it's over." I said, lifting her chin up, realizing she'd fallen asleep. I smiled to myself, she looked so cute. I carried her to my room and placed her on my bed. "Good night, Livvy." I grinned, kneeling down to kiss her cheek. She smiled in return.

"You aren't sleeping, are you?" I asked, with a laugh. She opened her eyes, giggling. "Wow! And you made me carry you all the way here!"

"But I am tired." She yawned. 

"So, what happened to the 'we need to finish the song, Joshy... blah blah blah'" I mimicked her.

"I don't sound like that!" She laughed.

"Sure you do." I smiled.

"We can finish it tomorrow. It's Saturday, and we don't have to show up on set until 12." She suggested.

"Okay, then." I agreed. 

"Joshy, can I ask you to do me a favor?" She asked.


"Can you take my makeup off?" She asked, laughing.

"Yeah. I'll be back." I smiled, getting my sister's makeup bag. I came back with the makeup remover and the cotton pads. 

"Why do you have that?" She asked.

"When you have 5 sister, this is basically a priority." I explained, laughing.

"But they're not here." He said.

"I know, but you just never know. Now I'm using it to take your makeup off." I shrugged. 

"Okay, done." I smiled at her once I finished. 

"Where are you going to sleep?" She asked me.

"The couch." I answered.

"Oh, okay. Well, good night, Joshy." She said, pecking my cheek.

"Good night, Livvy." I responded, attempting to kiss her cheek too. Unaware, she shifted her body, making my lips fall on her lips. I pulled away as soon as I realized. Too far, maybe? "Sorry! I didn't see you move, I-" I started ranting.

"Josh," She giggled, getting my attention. "Go to sleep already." She pecked my lips, before she hid under the covers. Oh, okay, cool... She wants me to go to sleep when this just happened. 

"Uh, yeah... I'm gonna- g- go... now." I stuttered, taking one of my hoodies from the closet. 

"Haha, you're stuttering." I heard her laugh, before I closed the door, which made me blush more.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia)Where stories live. Discover now