Truth behind the lie

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[Author's Note]
(A= Dialog /A thoughts)

[Flashback 5 years ago]

After everything is done , Kazuya's phone rings it was Kuramochi. Before he answer it , he look up  at the waiting  Sawamura.

"Uhm sorry, you can go first . Mochi is calling me,  so I'm gonna stay for a bit you know boyfriend thing hehe"

Sawamura visibly flinched then he finally decide to get out of the restaurant . Kazuya answered the phone and make sure to speak loud enough for Sawamura to hear it.

"Yes baby???? Oh yeah Wait for me there , I have a surprise hehe"~


"thought so"

The bespectacled man  who's still sitting inside the fancy restaurant, is  lost in thought while looking at the back of Eijun's slump form .

The man he swear to make happy forever, the man he loves the most in this entire world, his future and forever, the sun that brighten his life , his beloved soulmate is now getting away from his grasp each second . And it's all Kazuya's fault.

"I'm sorry baby" the tears he hold back from before are now forming on both of  his eyes and about to fall off "I'm sorry"

"Man did something happen to you...."
Kuramochi pause for a second as if remembering something "Wait don't tell me you actually did it?. "

"Bingo! Haha" he force to laugh, but it's obvious how wrecked he is just  from the sound he made..

His best friend sigh with a concern tone..

"I can't believe you actually did it man? How the hell did you even convince Sawamura to accept it huh? Knowing that Idiot's stubbornness, I can't imagine him giving in especially when it's about breaking up with you, and I know how much you love each other even though I think it's gross. did you tell him the truth?? "

"We both know that's never a choice for me Kuramochi . You said it yourself, he is stubborn. If I said the truth, he's just gonna cling on me no matter what happen to him"

"You have a point there , so what did you do then?"

"I lied to him ..." He whisper

"I didn't get that bastard😒"

" I said lied to him Kuramochi-kun hahaha!" He laugh desperately trying to hide the pain to his best friend but the tears he holds back before are now falling from his eyes like a stream.

"I said I never love him, that I chose you over him! That my long unrequited love to you finally paid of! That I'd  rather break up with him than to hurt you!"

Now everyone in the restaurant is looking at him

"Wait, What?!!!"......

" Why the hell did you say that bastard?! I'm Sawamura's friend too you know?! And what do you mean your unrequited love to me?! Isn't that the other way around  bastard?!! That will seriously hurt him dude! Don't you think that's a little too much for a lie?!"

"So what am I supposed to say?that I get some random bitch pregnant even though he knows that I'm impotent and can't get hard without him fucking me from the behind??! DO YOU THINK HE WOULD BELIEVE THAT?!"

"That's not what I mean Idiot, Sawamura knows how much you're devoted to him, He won't believe it even if you said that. "

Kazuya is not listening and just continue on  to his rambling

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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