Pleasant Surprises

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Charlotte was nervous. Very nervous. She was currently on her way to the Black Bulls hideout with a small box in her hands, today was a day she had been somewhat dreading yet at the same time very excited for. It was Valentine's Day. Today was the day for couples to show their appreciation for each other, which made no sense to her since you're supposed to show your significant other love and appreciation every day. But nonetheless her girls had gone out with their boyfriends and partners to celebrate and give them chocolates and other gifts. Which is exactly what Charlotte was going to do as well. The girls had somehow convinced her that today was the day to tell Yami how she felt, and she couldn't really disagree, it was about time she finally told him.

So after all the girls had left she herself decided to head out and buy chocolates, even though Charlotte wasn't actually sure if he liked chocolate, so to be on the safe side she also bought a bottle of wine. She was sure he'd at least like one of them. Hopefully. Charlotte looked up as the Black Bulls hideout came into view, her heart beginning to race as she walked closer and closer to the door.

'What if he doesn't like either one? What if he isn't here? What if he rejects my confession?' Charlotte's mind raced the closer she got, every fiber of her being screaming at her to turn around and run back to her headquarters. But, she pushed all those thoughts away and held her head up high as she stood in front of the door. She was going to confess today, otherwise, she never would. With that thought in mind she firmly knocked on the door and waited.

'That's strange,' Charlotte suddenly thought with a frown. 'It's very quiet.' She listened very carefully and found she was correct, there wasn't a single sound from inside the base. Which was unusual. Normally the hideout was very loud and rambunctious, a wall or two would have already been broken by the time she had made it to the door. Charlotte smoothed out her blue and white dress before knocking on the door again, but this time much louder. She looked around, the sun was beginning to set, she had left the winery much later than she had anticipated so it was probably around 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening by now. Charlotte let out a small defeated sigh.

'He must've gone out with someone else. I should've known better than to come here, how stupid can you be Charlotte!' She scolded herself as she began to turn around and head back home when she suddenly heard the door open.

" Sorry I was in the can, what'd you wa- oh." Yami began before realizing it was Charlotte who was knocking. " Hey there Prickly Princess, what're you doing all the way out here?" He asked as he leaned against the door frame, she turned around and swallowed the lump in her throat. How was it he was able to make being sexy look so easy?

" well," Charlotte started nervously, she quickly hid the bottle of wine and box of chocolates behind her so Yami wouldn't see. " I uh...came here to see you actually." She finished softly as a soft blush shone on her cheeks and she looked down at her shoes.

" Ok, did something happen?" He asked her with a small frown. It was very unlike her to just suddenly show up.

" Oh no nothing happened. Not that I'm aware of anyway." She said quickly, knowing her luck though, they would suddenly be called away and she would have to hold off confessing to him. Again. " But I did have something to give you."

" Ok what is-." Yami began to ask when suddenly Charlotte shoved two items into his chest, he blinked and held them. It was a bottle of expensive wine and a box of chocolates. To say he was confused was a bit of an understatement. " Uh, did one of your girls ask you to deliver these?" He asked, confusion in his voice as well as on his face.

" N-No of course not! They're...they're from me!" Charlotte told him, her face becoming even more red than what it already was. She had her arms crossed and wouldn't look him in the eye.

" From you?" Yami repeated as he looked from the items in his hands to her and back again. He had known today was Valentine's Day because his squad had all gone out to celebrate. But didn't women usually give these to the guys they were interested in? So why would Charlotte be giving him these? Oh. Oh! He blinked as it finally dawned on him. 'She was trying to confess her feelings for me!'

" W-Well now that I've delivered those items, I should be going." Charlotte suddenly announced as she turned to walk away.

" Hey Charlotte," Yami called after her, she turned to look at him. " Y'know, it'd be a real shame to have to drink this all by myself."

" You could always share it with Vanessa or someone else." Charlotte told him with a shrug, clearly she didn't get the hint. He rubbed the back of his head a little nervously.

" I don't want to drink with Vanessa or anyone else, I want to drink it with you." He told her a very small blush creeping onto his cheeks, he looked at her long enough to see his statement had surprised her before he looked away again. " So why don't you come in and have a glass or two? We can just talk and hang out." He muttered before suddenly seeing movement out of the corner of his eye. What happened next completely shocked him.

Charlotte had suddenly rushed up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him firmly. Yami was stunned but quickly recovered enough to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her back. He took note that her lips were just as soft as rose petals, which didn't really surprise him that much considering her magic and how much she resembled a rose. Just as suddenly as she had kissed him she pulled away.

" That sounds like a good idea captain Sukehiro." Charlotte said with a smile, she pulled the bottle of wine out of his hand and walked past him into the hideout. Yami let out a soft chuckle before turning around and following her inside. This woman was full of surprises and honestly?

He wouldn't have her any other way.

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