he looked over his shoulder at you "you're supposed to drink the water after you put it in Your mouth"

"Oh," you said sipping the water "ew the taste is still in my mouth" you pouted sticking your tongue out

Shirou handed you a bowl of little rainbow things you looked at it suspiciously "what is this" you said

"It's cereal trust me you'll like it it's loaded with sugar," he said leaning up against the counter

You took a slow bite of the cereal when it reached your mouth your eyes widened you smiled and started scarfing it down Shirou let out a small laugh at this

"So....do you have any idea what happened last night," Shirou said taking another sip of his coffee

You made a confused face and swallowed the last bite of your cereal "no why....did someone come after me" you panicked


"I knew I wasn't gonna be safe there are so many people after me"

"No y/n y-

"I should just leave I don't wanna put you guys in dang-

"Y/N!" Shirou exclaimed
you kind of jumped a bit

"Nothing happened no one is after you and no one going to get you as long as you're under my protection you just started freaking out last night you had a bad dream that's all"

"O-oh I'm sorry," you said putting the bowl on the counter that was next to you

You turned around and went back upstairs silently embarrassed at yourself

You plopped down on your bed and dug your face into the mattress "uuugghhhh" you whined into the mattress after your little temper tantrum you got up and put on some new clothes

you ran downstairs but before you could reach the door you were caught by the one and only Shirou "where are you going"


"I'm coming with you"

"Why must you be every were" you stated trying to get out out of his grasp

"If I let you go do you promise not to run away," he said irritated

"I promise, "you said sweetly

"Ok, I-
As soon as he let you go you slipped used the door and out of the co-op building you let out a devilish laugh but that quickly ended when you ran into Shirou..again

"I just asked a thief to keep a promise so I guess that's on me," he said grabbing your wrist and dragging you into town "I wanna go by myself" you pouted "for a 19-year-old you do whine a lot"
"Do not" you whispered under your breath like a spoiled toddler "where are you even taking me?" you said still wiggling your wrist

"To make you an official citizen of anima city you have to sign a paper"

"I don't wanna do all that you do it," you said pulling backward you let out an exhausted irritated exhale "let me go," you said through your teeth as you started biting at his hand he didn't flinch "don't make me put you on a leash" you looked up at him with the same eyes you had the first time he caught you and you just stared for a minute "your the one wearing the damn collar stupid dog," you said in a more sarcastic tone as you started kicking his hand you were super exhausted at that point but you got an idea "hey shirou what do you do when your exhausted"

Rare breed (shirou X fem reader) SLOW BURN🔥Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant