All fo a sudden Gold popped up and yelld as loud as he could which startled most of us in the process.

"HOW BOUT WE PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!" Gold said as he laughed and everyone just staired at him, Green was about to say something but got interrupted by everyone else.

"That's a great idea gold lets start who's going first!?" Everyone said as they argued on who was going to go first, I groande now starting to get a headache from all this bickering.

Green then stepped in and said in a soft tone of voice but a bit stern, "Why don't we have the girls go first now... since its polite that way."

Everyone then agreed on it and they started to play the game, first it went Yellow, then Sapphire, then Cryistal, then Blue. Then it was the boys turn, first it went Gold, Silver, Ruby, Green, then me.

I just told people to do stupid little things like 'I dare you to go lick the persons arm next to you' stuff like that.

I sighed and sat there waiting for this day to end, I was about to get up when suddenly Sapphire asked me."Red truth or dare?" I just looked at her and sighed picking dare.

She then got a evil grin her face, oh dear Arceus... I don't think I want to know where this is going to go.

"I DARE YOU TO MAKE OUT WITH GREEN FOR ABOUT 50 MINUTES IN FRONT OF US!" She said as she pointed at me and Green looking all high and mighty. Everyone just stared in awwe and loojed at us seeing if we would really do it.

Greens face was a deep dark shade of red he then stood up and stuttered. "T-th-there's n-n-no w-w-way I'm d-doing that!".

I looked at him slightl with a blank expresion on my face. *Wait... is he... flustered? * I asked myself in my head want to know the answer to it.

"Fine then You big chicken" Crystal tanted Green on and calling him a chicken and him replying back 'I'm not a chicken!' And then with her next come back 'then do it you chicken'.

I was getting sick and tired of the arrguing so all I did was grab Greens wrist and pull him onto the couch. Of course I'm ontop of him now and strattled his hips and pinned down his arns so that he couldn't excape me.

All he did was stair up into my red eyes while I staired into his beautiful geen ones. I inched our faces closer and closer together each time I got closer and closer his face would change a deeper shade of red. I like this color on him I think it sooted him perfectly.

"R-red co-come on... you se-seriously ca-can't be g-going thr-through this are y-you?!" Green said but I didn't say anything in reply, I then looked at everyone else out of the corner of my eye Gold looked shocked while the other two boys just covered their eyes, and then the girls just sat the blushing and squeeling. I turned my attention back to Green and finally closed the gap between us.

"Mnnhmm" Green tryed to talk but it didn't work, he then tried to pull his arms out of my grasp but I wouldn't let this opprotunity get away from me. Green soon gave up on trying to escape me and I broke the kiss to look his face, there was drool running down his slightly, his eye were all covered in glaze and his face was a color of a ripe tomatoe.

I looked at Crystal with slight satisfaction in my eyes and she and the other girls were holding tissues to to threir noses. "You have to keep going that wasnt 50 minutes Red!" Crystal said really fast now getting out her video recorder.

I groand and looked at Green who was still looking up at me, I noticed something in him tat I didn't really know was there but I couldn't put my fingure on it. So I just shrugged it off and continued with my dare.

I started to kiss Green again on the lips bout this tim sticking my tongue in his mouth. It seemed that Green wasn't fighting  to resist it anymore he just layed there and kissed me back. My heart skipped a beat but when I felt him kiss me back, *does this mean that he likes me to?* I thought as I broke the kiss, leaning down to his right ear so that no one can see what I'm whisper ing to Green.

Truth or Dare RedXGreenWhere stories live. Discover now