Chapter 14

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Todoroki awakened to the sound of vibrating. He looked over to the side of him slowly as his eyes landed upon his phone. He sighed to himself, knowing who it probably was and outstretched his hand to pick the small device up. 

The heterochromatic boy turned on his phone only to be blinded by the instant ray of light from the phone. He slowly opened his eyes as he read the notifications on his lock screen.

12 missed calls from 'Old Man'

8 new messages tap to open.

As he suspected his "Father" was contacting him, he placed the phone back onto his desk and decided to ignore his Old Man's messages for another time when he had the right amount of energy to actually deal with it. Todoroki, after deciding, was about to go back to sleep before he heard another vibration.This time another call. Todoroki really didn't want to answer it, however he wanted to sleep peacefully for the rest of the night. 

"Hello Father." Todoroki answered in a cold, monotone voice. He waited silently until he heard the voice on the other end speak. “Shoto.” a cold, angered voice answered. Shoto sighed to himself once again, he knew what kind of mood his father was in. It happened frequently when he was younger. He had to guess that something was wrong and he wanted him to come home for ‘training’ so Endeavor could take his anger out. 

“Come home, you haven’t trained in a month.” Todorroki could audibly hear Endeavor’s voice getting louder and more frustrated as he spoke. “What have you been doing all this time?! Probably playing around with those worthless, lesser beings in that idiotic school. Also,.....” 

As Endeavor went on Todoroki was walking to Bakugo’s room. He knocked on the door and waited for the blonde boy to answer. When he did, Bakugo was pissed. It took him so long to finally get to sleep only to be awoken again. His face turned dark, and it sent chills down Todoroki’s spine. “Here.” Todoroki whispered. “It's Endeavor.” That was all the heterochromatic boy had to say to get the blonde boy’s attention. 

Bakugo grabbed the phone from Todoroki and closed the door. Three minutes later Bakugo came back out and handed the phone to Todoroki. "What did you say this time?" The heterochromatic boy asked with a smirk on his face ready to laugh. "I told him I was fucking his son and asked if he wanted an audio recording." The blonde stated nonchalantly. This sent Todoroki's mind so deep in the gutter with no way to escape it.

Todoroki's face flushed a deep red instantly and grabbed Bakugo by the shoulders, shaking him violently. "Why did you say that, why not just curse him out like usual?" Todoroki was frantic. He didn't even want to imagine what Endeavor would do to him when he had to go home. "I didn't want to do that because I didn't want to lie about my future plans." Bakugo said closing the door.

Todoroki was confused for a moment before it finally clicked. "WHAT!" The boy screeched. His face was beet red and his head was spinning. He walked awkwardly back to his room. Evidently, the heterochromatic boy did not get any rest for the rest of the night.

The boy screamed silently into his pillow about twelve times and watched cat and soba-making videos to get his mind of it all. The two males weren't even half way through the school year and todoroki has had an existential crisis mixed with a gay panic at least twice now. Both were caused by a spiky, loud, blonde boy.

The real question he had was, 'What the hell am I supposed to say to him tomorrow?' Little did he know, the boy on the other ide of the dorm was thinking the exact same thing.

I apologize for the late, short, and rushed chapter, but I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing. Also, thank you to everyone who reads, comments, and votes for my book.

Hope you enjoyed, and have an amazing day!😁

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