one shot

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You stared at the sky, as there is a beautiful view in front of you. 

As T/N next to you, you're finally happy to say that you're officially his wife. 

You standing next to him, with a black and purple dress on. You do a swirl as people behind you are clapping , all of them synced. You feel your eyes start to water, as a tear rolls down your cheek, you look at T/N while smiling. 

He looks at you, and kisses you softly. People start cheering and you start giggling while he's kissing you. Then he looks at you, smiling, while there is soft music playing in the background, he grabs you and starts dancing softly with you. He starts whispering words to you, "So whenever you ask me again, how I feel, please remember my answer is you". You start crying and he hugs you softly. You start walking down the aisle with him, and you start smiling.

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