Chapter 5 : At The Beginning (Ep 2)

Start from the beginning

She had never looked so lovely, not even on her wedding day. Andromeda had not been permitted to attend, of course. She had been sent into disgrace when she eloped with an Irishman rather than marry Lucius Malfoy. It had been mere happenstance that she had been in London at the time of the wedding, and had watched her sister leave the church, on the way to the reception.

Narcissa looked happy. After fifteen years, she finally looked at peace.

"I thought I would never be allowed to see you again," Narcissa whispered, tears running down her cheeks. "I thought-"

"You hush. I told you, in those letters, that the Queen had not forgotten me. I may not be accepted as a Black, but you and I, we shall not be separated again."

Narcissa nodded, taking in a few breaths, and then she turned her head, searching for something. Andromeda reached out and grabbed her hand, holding onto it.

"I have given him a son," Narcissa gasped out, tears running down her cheeks. She tightly gripped Andromeda's hand, and Andromeda squeezed back, not letting go.

"You have a beautiful child," Andromeda promised, looking over towards the babe.

The Duke had already stepped into the light, celebrating the birth of his heir, leaving behind his wife, who had done all of the work. Well, it was no matter. Narcissa could celebrate once she was all cleaned up.

Finally, her sister could have peace.

The hand holding hers loosened slightly, and Andromeda looked down, to see that her sister's head had fallen to the side, eyes closing.


The name came from Andromeda's lips in a gasp, and then she turned towards the doctor. There was blood, so much blood, and the Doctor looked up at her, shaking his head.

The sound of the clinking of glasses and cheers came from the room filled with light, and suddenly, the air in the birthing room became thick and heavy, the darkness weighing down on all of them.

"Narcissa, look at me," Andromeda whispered, brushing her sister's hair back from her face. "Don't fall asleep. You have to see your son."

She looked back towards the Duke, hoping that he would see, would realize what was happening, but he was too busy celebrating.

"Narcissa!" she screamed out, shaking her sister's shoulders.

The cheers grew louder, a celebration, while her sister lay dying.

Narcissa's eyes were fully closed, and the grip on her hand slacked. Andromeda looked to see that the Doctor was no longer working, instead covering up the blood with a sheet.

"A perfect son. I have a perfect son. Draco Lucius Abraxas Septimus Malfoy, the next Duke of Wiltshire."

Andromeda's eyes lifted up towards her sister's husband, raising a glass, half-hazardously holding his son in the other arm. He had done this. He had pushed his wife too far. He had demanded too much. It was well known that Malfoys struggled to have more than one child. They called it only allowing perfection.

Andromeda knew whose fault it was that her sister had to give her life to have a child.

"Curse you, Lucius Malfoy," she hissed under her breath. "I will dance on your grave..."

He had heard the story of his birth many times. First, it was the housekeeper, Mrs Mimsy, whispering it to his first Nanny. Then, it had been the Nanny, whispering it to his first Governess. And from there, it had been his Aunt Andromeda, cursing his father's name, when she thought Draco was already in bed.

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