"I think we should try this one next." He said standing up suddenly, a book clenched tightly in his hand.

Hermione looked away from him quickly and nodded. Draco turned away from her and started to recite the spell in his head over and over again. He tried very had not to notice that the smile that Hermione had been wearing virtually all day was gone now and her eyes, that had been brilliant and open, were now guarded.

Draco was inwardly kicking himself. He never knew what to say. Around most girls he was the epitome of calm and collectedness, but with Hermione he often felt that he could never get his foot of his mouth. But what did she expect, really? That he would just kneel down and confess undying love or some other such nonsense? Draco would rather kiss a blast-ended skrewt then do any of that ridiculous romantic stuff that Pansy had always wanted. And now Hermione was asking him to do the same thing. Wasn't she? Draco wasn't sure what she wanted. He grumbled lightly in frustration.

Hermione sat back down and began looking through her notes. "Yes, I suppose we can try that one if you want. What does the translation say about it?"

With relief Draco read from his notes, "holding green".

"That's your translation?" Hermione crossed her arms over her chest. "Not very explicit is it?"

"Well the ink on that page was splotchy." Draco argued in his defense. "And we'll find out what it does in just a minute anyway." He added quickly as Hermione gave him a look that resembled Professor McGonagall a bit too closely.

Draco pulled his wand from his pocket and looked around for a suitable target. Next to the rock that Hermione was perched on was a small, dried up bush that hadn't survived the harsh winter. Draco smirked slightly and pointed his wand at it.


For a moment nothing happened. There was no shot of light from the wand, no shower of sparks, nothing. Draco frowned. Then there was a sudden noise and the bush twitched. Hermione's eyes widened and she watched it distrustfully. This was very wise of her because it gave another twitch and then sprouted out in every direction. Dead, bare branches reached every which way. Hermione gasped and scrambled up the rock. The crawling branches followed her and grasped her ankle. Hermione struggled to free her foot but it seemed impossible. More branches were reaching thirstily for her and she cried out in fear.

"Finite! Finite Incantateum!" Draco cried out as he rushed forward to help having finally come to his senses.

The shrubbery stopped its dire advance but did not retreat. It laid still and dead once again. Hermione tried to wrench her foot out of its grasp, but even though the branches appeared to be brittle, she found it quite impossible.

"Here," Draco pulled a small black object from his pocket which turned out to be a little folded up knife. He easily cut the dry bough and helped Hermione off of her rock.

"You have a knife?" She asked.

"Lucius always thought it best to be prepared for anything. You never know when you might be without your wand and come across an excellent opportunity to use it on..." Hermione's eyes narrowed and Draco changed topics immediately. "Well that was certainly some spell wasn't it?"

"Oh yes very, I loved how the bush tried to eat me, very invigorating." Hermione snapped.

"Not to worry, it couldn't have eaten you, hasn't got a mouth. Would have just pulled you in and let you expire due to exposure to the elements." Draco grinned.

"That's very comforting Draco." Hermione glared at him but could only maintain her frown for a moment before she smiled back at him.

Hermione began to brush the remnants of dry twigs from the hem of her robe but stopped and then frowned. A distant rumble of voices could be heard approaching. Draco watched as she climbed back onto the rock and peered cautiously over the edge. Hermione ducked back and scurried down the rock, pulling her backpack with her.

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