Chapter 10

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Draco methodically counted out the caterpillar eggs that he needed for his potion. Professor Snape was busy writing the rest of the ingredients on the board and seemed oblivious to the low murmur that was coming from Potter and Weasley. Draco gritted his teeth and started to grind the eggs in his mortar. He refused to look at whatever it was that Potter and Weasley found so amusing. Looking at Potter and Weasley would mean looking at her as well.

"Mudblood," he hissed under his breath.

Draco had been fuming inwardly ever since that night a little less than a week ago. He had waited for the fall out from his actions to come. For the Slytherins to disown him, for the whispers that would follow him through the halls, and for Potter and Weasley's furious glares. But nothing had come of that night out on the Quidditch pitch except for Granger's absolute avoidance of him and a strange emptiness that he easily dismissed as nerves over the game. He'd believed that Granger had ignored him before, but it was different this time. She didn't meet him in the library anymore and he never saw her in their room. She was still doing an equal share of the work, but when she did it, he had no idea. The day after the Quidditch game he had waited up in the room off the library all day, partly to avoid the superior looks that he had been receiving from the Gryffindors, but also to confront Granger. He assured himself that it wasn't because he wanted to see her, but because he wanted to make sure that she kept her mouth shut about his transgression. But she never came. In Arithmancy she sat as far from him as possible considering that they shared a table. Draco found her stony silence more infuriorating than any taunt she had given him. What made it worse was that she acted like he wasn't even there. How dare she try to ignore a Malfoy?

Crabbe and Goyle flanked Draco as he started to leave the class. Wonder-boy Potter and Weasley were waiting for Granger who was having trouble getting her book bag to snap shut, she always seemed to have problems working the clasp. He had an odd inclination to stop and do it for her, but Thomas, another of the blasted Gryffindors had suddenly leaned over Granger's shoulder and did it instead. Draco felt a flash of anger as Granger graced the other boy with a brilliant smile. Draco brushed past them and out into the hall, Crabbe and Goyle struggling to keep up with him.

"Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco turned sharply and found himself standing before the Hogwart's Headmaster. Crabbe and Goyle both stepped back from the aging professor and cast nervous looks at Draco.

"If I may have a word?" Professor Dumbledore smiled amiably at Draco and then turned and walked away, leaving Draco no choice but to follow after him.

Professor Dumbledore walked merrily through one corridor and then another, smiling and nodding at the passing students. Draco was beginning to wonder how much longer they were going to keep walking when Dumbledore finally stopped. Draco looked around and saw nothing but a stone gargoyle. The headmaster turned to the door and said something in a low voice that Draco couldn't quite catch. The gargoyle stretched its stone legs and ambled aside. Draco's eyes widened but that was the only indication of surprise that he let pass. The headmaster only chuckled softly to himself at this and led Draco up to his office.

Draco sat stoically in front of Dumbledore's desk. The headmaster was gazing at him in a way that was making Draco very nervous. The expression that the headmaster wore was one of expectation. With a start Draco realized that he was waiting for him to start talking.

"You wanted to speak to me Professor Dumbledore?" Draco fought hard against the derisive drawl that wanted to creep into his voice. Professor Dumbledore might be a crazy old coot, but he was powerful.

"Well Mr. Malfoy, I was hoping that you had something to tell me." Dumbledore looked at Draco, his blue eyes twinkling.

Draco nervously looked away from the old man. It wasn't that he had told Granger not to say anything, but for some reason he had expected her not too.

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