⏤ 12. back to reality

Start from the beginning

Severus nodded, exchanging looks with the Headmaster. Ria took this time to look around the room. There were students in other beds.. completely still.

"Why am I the only one awake?" She quickly asked, looking back at Professor Dumbledore.

The old wizard just softly smiled. "You were the first petrified student that we tried the Mandrake potion on, Miss. Edwards." He answered. "It will be soon enough that we heal the others too."

The girl nodded in relief. Soon, Pomfrey arrived with a goblet of some Potion. Ria made a bitter face at the medicine, but had to take it under the matron's scary gaze.

"Well.. now have some rest." Said Minerva. "We'll soon contact your mother and let her know that you are well."

Her eyes slightly widened. "You told Mum?" She asked in disbelief. "How could you, Minnie? You know she worries a bit too much, don't you?"

The witch pursed her lips. "What did you expect us to do then? Hide the fact that her daughter is lying still in the hospital wing, petrified?" She rhetorically asked. And Ria just quietly sipped her medicine when she did not find an answer.

"Not to worry, Miss. Edwards. I'm sure Mr. Diggory would be taking good care of his sister." Dumbledore assured her, and she nodded. The group of Professors left the hospital wing.

"Here.." Pomfrey extended another goblet in front of her, and yet again, Ria made a bitter face. "It's not medicine. It's just a potion to calm you down. You need a good sleep, dear."

When Ria had gulped down the sweet, soothing potion and gone to sleep, Madam Pomfrey hurriedly left the room to join the Professors. As soon as she saw them, the worry on her face returned.

"Well.. she doesn't seem injured in any way." She said to them.

"I don't understand, Headmaster.." Professor McGonagall admitted. "I mean— I know her mother has had a history with quick healing because of her magic, but healing from a literal petrification seems a bit far-fetched."

"True, Headmaster." Sprout nodded in agreement. "The Mandrake potion isn't even completely brewed yet."

"It is curious.." Dumbledore trailed off, looking in the direction of Asteria Edwards, but the door of the hospital wing was in his path.

"I don't know why, Headmaster.. but I feel like I was a bit late." Pomfrey admitted, her voice of concern and curiosity. "When I came in.. there was something in the room— I could feel it slowly fading away to nothing."

Severus raised a questioning eyebrow. "Could you elaborate? What was it?"

"I can't explain it, really," said Pomfrey. "But it was just a feeling.. like an aura surrounding her. And it faded away when she calmed down."

Snape nodded although he was disappointed with the answer. He looked at Dumbledore.

"Isn't it a bit early.. Headmaster?" He asked, his tone of nervousness.

"Is it.. Severus?" He asked back. Snape couldn't answer it. "It is magic, after all. It will bloom when it is most needed."

"For now, it is better to not make assumptions." He sighed, again, looking towards the door. "Only time will tell what is written in Asteria Edwards's fate."

"Ria, you fu—" Cedric bit back his tongue in front of his cousin, who was tightly hugging her friend. "Idiot! Who told you to go wandering around the castle all by yourself?!"

"Mr. Diggory." Madam Pomfrey sighed. "As much as I admire your concern for your family, this is a hospital wing. Keep it quiet."

He sighed, looking down. "Sorry, Madam Pomfrey."

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