Chapter 2

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"I'd rather not screw everything up for a fantasy." Lauren said. Little did she know me and Dinah were listening since we got out here. Yet we had no idea what they were talking about.
"It's always better to try." I spoke up, "I mean you never know what will come out of it." She looked at me and shrugged. Mani and Ally walked out.
"Ready ladies?" He asked as he took us to the building. I was walking with Dinah and Mani when I looked back Lauren was walking by Ally. Lauren kept her eyes on the ground as Ally spoke cautiously.
"Mila?" Dinah asked, "You okay?"
"There's something she's not telling me." I replied as I looked at Dinah. She looked at Mani than back at me.
"She'll tell you when she's ready." Was all she said
"Do you know what it is?" I asked her curiously.
"Not exactly." Dinah said slowly.
"Hey girls." I spoke up, "Since Lo and I are going home you guys should stay at my place...and maybe Lauren's if it's okay with her?" I suggested
"I'm fine with that. Everyone should probably give me a few hours to talk with Chris and stuff." I answered respectfully. There were murmurs of agreements. We walked in and did rehearsals. When we ended I looked at Lauren. She was on the opposite side of the room leaned against the wall with her eyes closed. I walked over and sat by her. She glanced at me. I smiled sweetly. She was mouthing words quietly as she went back to her other position. Than I noticed she was mouthing lyrics.
"What are you singing?" I asked
"Atlas." She answered shortly, "It's a song by Shannon Saunders. It's one of my favorite songs on a day like this."
"A day like this?" I asked catching what she was saying.
"Slow days I guess." She said quietly but I got that she really meant the days she felt like giving up.
"Back on the bus ladies!" Kate yelled. Lauren stood up and offered me her hand. I smiled and she smiled back as well. She helped me up and without letting go we walked to the bus hand in hand. We walked inside and Lauren let go of my hand and sat down. I sat down beside her. "While we head to Miami I was thinking you guys could work on some lyrics later on. Not right now. Later." Katie said walking off. Dinah brought out her beat pill and looked between all of us.
"Who's phone?" She asked
"I say Lauren's." Normani said shortly after. Lauren handed Dinah her phone and they connected it.
"It's not all Lana and 1975." She said truthfully, "So don't be surprised." Lights Down Low by Bei Maejor came on. Ally smirked.
"Lil Mama wanna hair pull, legs pushed back, only like a Rottweiler and a kitty cat. She want it wild. Shawty wanna scream. Want it from the front, back, side, and in between..." Ally and Lauren sang. Everyone was too shocked that Ally would say stuff like that. Lauren laughed once she noticed our shocked faces.
"Guys I'm the one who introduced this song to her. Months ago." Lauren said. We were all shocked, "I'm not saying Ally's not innocent but she's not an angel."
"That's pretty true." I pointed out causing Lauren to look at me. Her eyes sparkled and I smiled at her. The smile she was already wearing grew. The song ended and than another song came on. I didn't know it but it sure was catchy. We talked all the way through the song and the other one. Lauren gave me her undivided attention until the song ended. "I love this song." She shrieked. I listened carefully. Never Be Alone by Shawn Mendes. I smiled. The first time we heard this was when she was sick and we were hanging on in the bus while the girls got lunch so we searched weird things on YouTube and found it. Lauren started swaying and watched her as she started to sing. The girls smiled. I sang as well but I never took my eyes off her, 'I promise that one day I'll be around. I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you sound. Right now things are pretty crazy and I don't know how to stop or slow it down. Hey, I know there are some things we need to talk about....." She stopped singing even though the song wasn't over. "I need to, uh, go to the bathroom." She said as she rushed off.
"What just happened?" I asked the girls. Normani was already following her. I tried to get up but Dinah put her hand on my shoulder pushing me back into the seat.
"Just give her a few minutes." Dinah whispered. I waited...and waited...and waited until Mani finally came back inside.
"Lauren doesn't feel very well. She's in her bunk. Uh Mila...." Mani started nervously. I gulped.
"Lauren was thinking it was a better idea for you to stay with Dinah tonight." She said sending me a sweet smile. My eyes focused on the floor in front of me. I nodded. Tears fought to escape my eyes but I pushed them back.

I was lying in my bunk. Crying. I could hear Mani explain to Camz that I needed some space.
"She just needs a night. Ok? She loves you." Mani said
"I'll believe it when I see it." Camila said. That one sentence made me burst out in full blown sobbing.
"Shit." I heard Mani say before I heard fast footsteps approaching. Before she could get here I got up and ran into the bathroom. I locked the door. Someone banged on the door. "Lauren let me in." Normani pleaded
"Baby you need to talk to us." Ally replied
"Lolo I...." Camila started
"No Mila. Come on. She needs space." Dinah said as I heard them leave. I opened the door.
"Mani can I talk to you?" I asked as I collected myself.
"Yes you certainly can." She replied as she nodded at Ally and locked the door behind her. I looked at her about to confess my feelings for Camz when I started crying again. I clung to Mani's shirt and she pulled me into her. "Cry it out." After a few minutes I looked at the ground in front of her.
"I'm in love with Camila." I whispered. Mani put her hand on my chin and lifted my eyes to hers.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of. To be completely honest none of us would care. We love you." We got quiet." You hurt her." Normani said out of nowhere. "You hurt Camila. She didn't mean what she said. She was just hurt. And crying to be honest."
"I made her cry?" I asked my voice cracking
"You didn't. The idea of you needed space hurt her. She loves you." Was all she said. I nodded. I wiped off my eyes. I walked into our bunk area. There was sniffling coming from Camz bunk. The girls gave me some privacy. I opened her curtain. She had her back turned toward me.
"Leave me alone Dinah." She whispered. I climbed up behind her. Wrapping my arms around her waist and pushing my body against hers.
"I'm sorry." I whispered. She started crying harder. I turned her so she was facing me. "I'm so sorry." Now we were both crying. She pushed her head into my chest. My tears dried and Camz got quiet. "Are you tired?"
"Very much." She relied as she stuffed her face more into my chest. Otherwise known as my boobs. This may be sad to admit but I kind of liked it.
"Go to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake." I said sweetly feeling my own tiredness coming out. I ran my fingers through her hair before I drifted away.

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