Start from the beginning

"I think he's just scared that he will lose you now that he finally has you, know what I mean?" He said.

"Then why doesn't he tell me?" You asked.

Blaise shrugged his shoulders. "He never talks about his emotions and probably will never show them." He said, a small chuckle leaving his mouth.

"But I think you're the one who can change that." Blaise said, giving you a warm smile.

You returned him a smile, wrapping your arms around him. "Thank you for always being here for me, Blaise."

You heard someone clearing their throat before you turned around to meet eyes with Draco.

"Hey, I was looking for you! Can we ta-"

"No." Draco interrupted you. He glared at Blaise before he walked away.

"He always walks in on the wrong moments, huh?" Blaise sighed. You nod your head, a sigh leaving your mouth.

"He's probably going to our dorm. I can let you in if you want? So you can talk to him." Blaise suggested.

"Good idea." You said, giving him a smile. The two of you walked through the corridors, to the Slytherin common room.

"Pureblood." Blaise mumbled. The portrait hole swung open. You walked into the common room. No one was in there since there were still classes right now.

"Our dorm is behind the second door. Good luck." Blaise smiled, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Thanks again, Blaise." You said before you made your way up to Draco's dorm.

You took a deep breath before you knocked on his door.

"What." He asked, his voice shaking.

"It's me." You said softly.

No reaction.

"I think we need to talk." You said.

"Go talk with Weaselbee or Blaise. I bet they will listen to you." Draco scoffed.

You wanted to open the door but it was locked.

"I want to talk with you only, Draco." You said, still looking at the door.

"I don't." Was the only thing he said back, his voice still shaking.

You took your wand out of your pocket, pointing it at the doorknob. "Alohomora." You mumbled.

You grabbed the doorknob and slightly opened the door. "I'm coming in." You said.

"Y/N, no I'm-"

Draco stopped in the middle of his sentence when his eyes met yours.

"Are you- crying?" You asked, closing the door behind you. In all the years that you have been friends with him you never saw him crying.

Draco wiped his hand over his face harshly. "Ofcourse not." He said.

You walked towards Draco, sitting down next to him on his bed. He was looking at the floor, not making any eye contact with you.

"Can you tell me what's bothering you?" You asked.

"No." He said, not taking his eyes off the floor.

A sigh left your mouth as you leaned against the headboard of his bed. "I'm staying here until you want to talk." You said, crossing your arms.

It was silent for almost twenty minutes when Draco finally opened his mouth.

"I don't want to share." He said.

You looked up at him, seeing that he still wasn't looking at you. "What?"

His eyes were finally meeting yours. He was looking at you quite intimidating.

"You're mine and I'm not sharing you with anyone else." He said, not taking his eyes off of you.

"Is this about Fred?" You asked. Draco scoffed at hearing his name.

"He's just a friend." You said.

"I don't like you hanging around with him." Draco said.

"And I don't like you hanging around with Pansy but you're also doing that so what's the point?" You shot back.

A frustrated sigh left Draco's mouth. "You don't understand it." He said, waving it away.

"Then explain it to me." You said, trying to stay calm.

"Don't you see it that Weaselbee wants to snog you?! It's so obvious, Y/N." Draco said. You wanted to say something but Draco interrupted you by holding his hand up.

"Now that I finally admitted my feelings to you, what was kind of a big deal to me, you're just hanging around with other boys and not with me." He said.

"Draco, just because we have feelings for each other doesn't mean that I can't talk to other boys." You looked at him as he was fiddling with his hands. "And hanging out with Pansy just to get on my nerves is not the thing you should be doing."

"God, I fucking hate myself." Draco mumbled as he put his head in his hands. "Just as I thought that I finally got you, I'm losing you again."

You looked at him in confusion before you put your hand on his shoulder. "You're not losing me, Draco. What makes you think that?" You asked.

He looked up at you, his eyes tearing up. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer to you.

"It's just-" Draco pulled away from the hug, looking back at you. "You mean so much to me, Y/N. I want to be the one who can make you happy and I hate it that I'm messing everything up." He said.

A small smile placed itself on your lips as you heard his words.

"You are the one that makes me happy, Draco." You said, laying your head on his shoulder. "And stop worrying about other guys. It's you who I want, believe me." You said.

You felt a sigh of relief leaving his mouth. You looked back at him, seeing that he was finally smiling again. "I'm sorry, again." Draco sighed.

"It's okay." You said. "But please talk to me when something is bothering you so we can fix it together."

Draco grabbed your face softly. "I will." He said before he placed his lips on yours.

"Good." You smiled as you pulled back from the kiss.

"Are you still on for hanging out together?" You asked as you stood up.

Draco smiled at you before he nod his head.

You reached out for his hand. He grabbed it and stood up. The two of you walked out of his dorm, closing the door behind you.

"Wait, Y/N." Draco said before you wanted to walk down the stairs.

"If you ever tell someone I was crying, I will kill you." He said seriously, but with a little smirk on his face.

A laugh left your mouth before you took his hand in yours.

"Your secret is safe with me."

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