Clean Start.

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|yayyyy a fluffy chapter with no pain|

Tamura POV

I wake up earlier than usual. It's surprisingly earlier than school time so I decide to just take a walk outside. After a while of walking I run into my sweet sweet angel my beautiful amazing boyfriend Yaguchi who I value and love a whole lot-

What was I gonna say uh-

Oh yeah, fast asleep against one of the walls.

Wait what-



I kneel next to him and poke him on the arm a few times to wake him up.

He gets startled awake "Oh- Ah- hey Tamu! Sorry I guess I kinda fell asleep here." He stretches a little to wake up

"Are you okay?"

Yaguchi POV

I didn't want to fall asleep outside. I guess I just sat down a little and then just... Yeah you know.

"Oh yeah I'm good. Don't worry don't worry I'm alright."

He gently strokes my cheeks with his thumbs with a smile. I smile back at him for a few seconds. Then his expression changes to a rather shocked one but he was blushing as well. "I-i-is that MY hoodie?"

Ahhh I totally forgot what I was wearing "Yeah. Sorry it's all dirty n-"

"Please never take it off!" He looks way too happy about it. It doesn't take long until I notice the blood dripping from his nose. How did he get so happy over something as simple as just a hoodie I stole haha

"Oh how fast exactly does your nose bleed?" I laugh a little as I begin to wipe the blood off with my hand.

He holds my hand and pulls it off "No, no just let it drip. It's okay. Just, please never take that off."

I blush and gaze away "Alright. Whatever you say."

He then pulls me into a hug "Aghhhh I love you so much!"

I laugh a little and hug him back "Be careful with your nose I don't want blood all over the thing I'm wearing!"

"It stopped already~ come on now~"

He kisses me on the forehead then the cheek then the chin then- I honestly lost count

I just keep laughing as he showers my whole face with kisses.

And for the first tine in goddamn forever I feel like I'm being loved for being myself. Because you know, I haven't been faking anything at all.
Can you imagine? Me? Being GENUINELY NICE!? HAH

I love it. I love everything. I love it so much! I love Tamu so much! I love YUI SO MUCH!

Toono POV

It's the last lesson before lunch break and Yacchan.... Yacchan looks sleep deprived. I really don't want it to be the thing I'm thinking about.

When the bell rings I walk towards Yacchan who was getting out of the classroom with no word. "Yacchan. Hey, Yacchan."

He looks at me "Sup?"

"I... I couldn't see you anywhere after school so I wondered where you were..."

He smirks as he answers

"I was in a pure blue ocean~ or maybe the ocean was in me. Does it make a difference? Now, if you allow me, I'm going to meet up with someone for lunch. Toodles."

He leaves me in the most confused state ever. The ocean? Yeah, yeah. It's definitely the thing I'm thinking about. So they got together huh...



Tamura POV

Love love love love love lOVE LOVE

The past few days has been full of just love and and ah! I don't know how to describe!

Look, we aren't a "perfect couple" we have a shit ton of flaws and we both suck as people. But what we both know is that we love each other and isn't that the only thing that matters anyways? Sure people don't look at us and go "Aw, relationship goals" but if this is the relationship we want and like to be in then fuck everyone else. We are happy as a weird couple and we are not going to stop. Ever. Thanks.

Speaking of fucking everyone else, Yaguchi thankfully lets me fuck with other people. It did take me a good ten minutes to explain to him that me having sex with others doesn't mean I don't love him. If all my clients were to die I wouldn't give a shit about it but if anything were to happen to my angel I would literally die. So yeah.

It's after school and before meeting up with Yaguchi I managed to find a bitch to duck so I was busy with that for a while. He won't kill me if I'm a little late, right? Yeahhh I'll be fine.

3rd Person POV

Tamura got out of the empty classroom, leaving his client there. He rushed through the hallways to meet with Yaguchi behind the school.

He found the ginger waiting his his arms crossed and back leaned against the wall "Yaguchi." He called out his significant other's name, panting because he ran. Also with bite marks and hickeys all over his torso, collarbone and shoulders.

Yaguchi looked at Tamura with an annoyed expression "Where were you?"

"I was uh... Busy?"

Yaguchi rolled his eyes "Busy fucking people? You stink."

Tamu smirked "Aw come on Yacchan you said it was fine right?~"

"Yea yea..." Yaguchi walked towards Tamu and slowly brushed his fingers up and down at the other's already revealed torso, slowly unbuttoning to see more space, making Tamura blush.


Yacchan rubbed one of the hickeys he saw as he spoke

"Look, I know I allowed you to have sex with other people but could you just do one thing?"

He didn't take his eyes off of all the marks on his boyfriend's body that didn't belong to him.

"Of course. Whatsup?"

"Could you... Not make people other than me mark you? I know they don't stay for long but I want to have a physical difference from others when it comes to you."

He looked at Tamura as the other smiled

"Of course. Whatever you say."

Yaguchi smiled as well and pecked Tamu on the lips.

"Thanks Tamu. Sooo what are we doing now?"



| I'm in a writers block and it took me 1 whole week to write 1000 words fuck

| I wanna die

| I love writing fluff but I couldn't get any ideas this week

| I have the general idea of the next chapter tho hopefully

| Make sure to tell me what you thought of this chapter! Thank you for reading

| Also I know it's really short but deal with it writers block sucks.

| Also Imade  a Yaribu Twitter AU account on instagram the @ is "yaribu_twitter" make sure you check it out

| That's all for now, thank you for reading! Stay tuned

"Are You An Angel?" Tamura x Yaguchi Where stories live. Discover now