~🔞adrian pucey (1)~

Start from the beginning

"You can't do nothing Avelyn, are you stupid?" Blaise asked, as i pouted at him.

"Yeah! If you don't get it, and if you don't get it good, you're gonna be miserable. Then you'll become massively depressed, and drop out of school. Then you'll be stuck working a boring 9 to 5 in some stingey cafe in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, and then you'll turn into one of them people who just refuse to have sex, and you'll die an absolute loner." Pansy accused, not taking a breathe once.

Draco and Blaise laughed, but i remained pouting. I lightly punched Draco on the arm for laughing as I couldn't reach Blaise or Pansy.

"It's not funny." I moaned.

Their faces softened slightly.

"She's not wrong." Draco told me. "You really will be miserable if you don't get some good dick."

"And where will I find that in this place Einstein? Every single boy in here has a dick like a caterpillar." I said, feeling sorry for myself, still pouting.

Blaise choked on his food, and Draco looked at me extremely hurt. Pansy just giggled at their reactions, and I rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me?!" Draco interrogated.

"How very dare you, Avelyn. How very dare you!" Blaise inputted.

"Don't base mine and Blaise's dick sizes on your boyfriend's caterpillar penis. I'll have you know we both actually have generously sized ones." He pouted.

"Yeah! Just cause Mr Adrian Pucey can't give you good dick doesn't mean we have those shitty abilities too." Blaise protested.

They were obviously just messing about actually being offended. But this conversation did offend one individual in particular.

"The fuck?" Adrian said, as he stood behind me.

I didn't turn round to face him, I saw by the dreaded face of Blaise and Pansy opposite me that this wasn't looking good for me.

Instead, I closed my eyes and muttered a 'fuck'.

"Listening in on your girl's conversations are you Pucey? Where's the trust in that?" Draco scoffed.

"I'm not about to say I'm not glad I did it. I mean, lying about me to your friends is low, even for your standards Avelyn." Adrian spat.

Ouch. That hurt.

I turned round to face him, about to apologise. I couldn't muster the words, instead, my lips just moved as if I was going to speak. I should definitely have just spoken to him about it.

"Lying?" Draco chimed in for me, evidentially seeing the hurt in my eyes. Draco has always been slightly protective of me. So has Blaise, but Draco seemed protective over even the littlest of things.

"That's what I said, Malfoy."

"I don't doubt she's lying, prick. I believe you do have a caterpillar dick. It would most definitely explain why she's always so boringly mopey after you have sex."

I turned and whacked his arm for the second time today.

"He's not wrong babes." Pansy included, causing me to flash her a sarcastic grin.

"Do you know, Pucey, that you're right about one thing?" Blaise asked.

Pansy and I looked at him in confusion.

"The fuck, bro?" Draco whisper-shouted.

"Come on Draco. It's obvious she has low standards. Have you seen him?" Blaise said, pointing towards my boyfriend. Then, he turned to look at me. "Avelyn, you're a very beautiful and smart girl, but you go for a dumb, short-dicked boy, when you could get yourself someone so much better." He finished his speech with a wink, and by the end of it, I didn't even realise I was smiling.

Although it was awfully worded, he was right.

"Um, Adrian?" I said, turning to face him once again. He had an almighty scowl painted across his face.

"I think it would be best if we were just friends?" I told him, more as a question.

Draco scoffed and muttered a sarcastic 'ouch' just to wind him up, causing Blaise and Pansy to snicker.

Adrian stormed off, obviously pissed at the situation.

For some reason, I wasn't sad. I was calm, relaxed, maybe even happy. The four of us ate our lunch as if nothing just happened; though we were all in a seemingly better mood now.

The bell sounded, signalling that it was the end of lunch, and time to head to our next lesson.

Pansy and Blaise had gone to Divinations, and Draco and I began to stand up and head to Potions. We began walking, when he pulled on my sleeve, causing me to stop and turn and face him.

"If you ever need someone to make you feel good, come to me. I won't let you down." He whispered, with a wink.

Then he walked off.

I stood in the same spot I was in, mouth agape. He was just my best friend, right? It would be weird to have sex with my best friend, wouldn't it?

So why have butterflies just swam in continuous circles around my stomach for the first time in 2 years?

"Draco?" I shouted, before he left the Hall. It was just us in here now. He stood and turned to face me.

I slowly walked towards him, slightly nervous. Our eyes never left each other's, and as I reached him, I didn't realise how close I decided to stand in front of him, though he didn't seem to complain.

"I want you to make me feel good."

draco malfoy one shots and smut 💋 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now