Chapter 7 ~ The Play (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

The professor called out, "Alright, everyone for scene one onto the stage, we are beginning."

Harry's butterflies returned as he stepped onto the stage. Something shot up through his shoes, up his heels and up his legs along his spine, making him shiver. Stepping onto the stage this time felt different, even though he had walked across this exact stage so many times.

Harry walked over to his desk awkwardly. He was rather surprised that it had the exact same layout that it always did, I thought they would change it up occasionally. He did not really care but he was trying to distract himself from the fact that the curtains would be opening any moment now.

Then he heard the chatter from in front of the stage quieten, he held his breath as he heard the words from behind the stage, clearly from a microphone, "Witches and Wizards, Professors and Students, please quieten. The show is about to begin." He shifted on the spot, so he was mostly facing the front. He remembered dearly when the professor had yelled at him for facing away from the audience. It was clearly McGonagall's voice next that could be heard through the curtains.

"I would like to thank everyone for watching tonight and for coming. This production is for these students grades, Afterall, and they would appreciate if you gave some feedback after the show. These students have worked hard to play their parts, and they should be respected tonight as Hogwarts has never done anything like this before."

Harry was not even sure why he was so nervous, its not like this was a competition. It was just a stupid play...but it felt much more than that.

Harry noticed there was a white board screen lit up by a projector showing...himself? It was like a camera recording from behind him of his back profile. He frowned; we did not use this in practise?

Harry turned to the professor behind him by the side of the stage, "What's that?" He asked. "Just ignore it." The professor told him. "Just do your part as best as you can, alright?"

Harry nodded as he turned back, facing forward. He looked to the other side of the stage. He saw Amelia in a very office-like uniform dressed as her character. He looked beside her, Romilda was there, leaning against the side of the stage, clearly mad. Beside that was James, the boss, and then...Draco.

Harry's breath hitched in his throat, the blonde-haired boy was watching him, a small smile lit up his face when he met eyes with Harry. He was wearing long black pants and had a white button-up t-shirt tucked into it, showing off his perfect body along with a plain black tie. He gave Harry a quick thumbs up and Harry nodded. And then it happened.

Everyone was in place and a blinding white stage light illuminated the stage as the curtains were drawn aside. Harry panicked for a spilt second, his lines still foggy I his head. It had been a while since they had done this scene.

Hermione gasped in the audience as this happened, she and Pansy fangirled over the fact that their best friends were currently on stage in front of half the school, whereas Blaise and Ron watched contently, telling the girls to shut up. McGonagall smiled fondly at the sight of Harry, glad that he was participating in something so new and fun. It had been a while since she had seen a smile on the boy's face.

Harry threw his eyes down to his desk; he knew if he looked out to the audience it would make his heart stop and he would panic upon the sight of a few hundred sets of eyes on him. Just the thought made him shiver.

There was the quiet murmuring here and there and it was quite awkward to just stand there in front of four hundred people waiting for the play to start. And then it did.

Harry looked up and saw Amelia walking towards him, she herself looked rather anxious. "Good Morning, Detective Morse." She said loudly. It was the only thing that echoed throughout the great hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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