Chapter 16 Preparations

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Everyone was happy for me and Nuri when the word got out and to my surprise even Jei congratulated me and saying that I wasn't much a loser as she thought. 

"Well Ry I am glad you took her offer." - Kei

"Yeah but still I have to prepare for when the Empire comes..." - Me

" you think you are ready?" - Kei

Jei and Hyedong suddenly came to me and Kei.

"Of course he is ready!" - Jei 

Jei smiled both of us

"I believe so too." - Hyedong

Everyone else came to the kitchen saying they believe in me that I will defeat the Emperor and my brother...

"Well darling do you think you are ready to face Vader?" - Nuri

"Of course sweet cheeks." - Me

I hugged her

"Well you better train as much as you can because you are gonna need it!" - Seola

"I already know that Seola" - Me

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