Chapter 10: Consolation + Salt

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He told her not to do anything stupid, to not get herself into trouble and yet that's exactly what she did.

Only an hour into the party and he got a notification about Amira having got into a fight.

Excusing himself from the party, Dick quickly got onto his bike, heading over to Gotham Cemetery, hoping Amira was alright.

When he got there, he didn't expect to see Amira fighting both Robin and Batgirl, fighting the two of them without too much of a struggle. He watched as she expertly handled her rope dart, watching her elegantly spin and whip her rope out, striking Batgirl multiple times with knee shots, keeping her at bay.

Robin tried to get close, but she wouldn't allow him to by spinning her rope close to her and when he dared to approach, she would take a few steps back before jumping over him and slamming the end of the rope against his back, causing him to fall to the ground and get kicked in ribs and stomach until Amira decided to slam the other end of her rope against the small boys back.

That's how Dick found out that both ends of the rope had weights, allowing Amira to send out easier consecutive hits to her opponent.

However, her streak was broken thanks to Batgirl knocking the rope out of her hands, the vigilante smirking when she thought she disarmed the girl.

Focusing her attention on Batgirl, Amira charged at her, pretending to do a roundhouse kick when she whipped out an escrima stick and connected the tip to the side of her head, causing blood to seep from the contact and for Batgirl to stagger towards the floor.

Dick's heart came to a halt.

Was this really Amira?

Dick climbed over the fence, dashing over to the fallen Batgirl and heavily injured Robin, when the person he least wanted to see made himself known.

Gliding down, Batman appeared.

But that didn't signal Amira to stop. Instead, it fueled her to continue to attack.

Taking out another escrima stick, she connected the two, now arming herself with a bo staff.

"What are you doing here?" Bruce asked, but only got an answer in the form of a hit to the side, Bruce quickly grabbing the bo staff and pulling Amira towards him, only for her to snap the bo staff in half and attempt to hit Bruce on the head.

But he was quicker.

Grabbing hold of the escrima stick, he pulled it diagonally down, allowing him to grab hold of Amira.

She hissed as she squirmed under his hold, hating that the kevlar he created was a bit hard to slip out of.

"Let go of her Bruce." Dick demanded, glaring at their supposed father.


Batgirl finally got into her two feet stumbling a bit as she got up. She held her hand against her head as she watched and listened to Bruce and a Dick argue, noticing the odd resemblance between the assailant and Bruce.

Wait...she recognized that face. How did she not recognize the little girl sooner?

"Marinette?" Amira glared at Batgirl, wondering how she knew her other name. "You're Marinette, aren't you? It's me." Amira felt her heart stop as she watched Batgirl become Babs. "It's me, Barbara. Where have you-?"

Amira didn't know how she slipped out of Bruce's hold, nor how she left the cemetery. All she knew is that she managed to get back on the bike she stole and headed towards nowhere.

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