Chapter 9: Last Name Wayne

Start from the beginning

"Arrest her now!" Chloé screamed, causing the Mayor to squirm.

"I won't without-"

"Then consider yourself fired!" The mayor yelled, causing a wave of gasps to erupt.

He just couldn't bear to see his little girl upset.

"Mr.Bourgeois, are you seriously going to fire your most loyal policemen in all of France over a bracelet?" Marinette questioned, walking up to the mayor. "M.Bourgeois, are you aware of the rumors about you?"


"Rumors surrounding how easily you crack under pressure, especially if it's from Chloe dearest?" When Marinette saw Chloe puff out her chest a bit, she rolled her eyes. Did she really not realize that she was insulting her? "What you did just now just goes to prove what everyone was speculating...what would happen if word got out?" Marinette looked at him, a sly smirk escaping her.

"Are you threatening me, young lady?"

"Mayor, why are you so defensive?" An exaggerated gasp escaped Marinette. "Don't tell me the rumors are actually true and all this time you've simply been covering it up! Are you actually worried about a potential scandal?"

"Young lady!"

"Mayor Bourgeois," Marinette easily threw back. "If you don't want people to speculate things about you, then stop proving them right and grow a spine. Don't you realize the amount of damage Chloe's tantrums have done to your political career, your political image?" Grabbing her things, Marinette looked at the mayor one last time before she decided to leave. "So if you want your people to be proud of you, start acting like an actual mayor for once and unwrap yourself from Chloe's pinky."

As Marinette left the classroom, the mayor was left behind with a crowd of eyes staring at him, watching his every move.

A mayor worth being proud of...

"Roger. I apologize for my outburst...and for using my authority to fire you on the spot. You can have your post back. I shouldn't have-"

"But Daddy! My bracelet!" Chloe whined, the mayor shooting her a look.

"Chloe, honey bee. We'll find the bracelet. After all the presentations are done, okay?"

Chloe huffed, slumping into her seat.

Damn that stupid baker's daughter.

It's all Maribrat's fault.


One day. That's all she's asking.

One day where an akuma doesn't show up when Amira needs to focus on analyzing her data.

As soon as Amira knew classes were over, an akuma appeared, destroying her roof to look for her. Thankfully, Ladybird didn't have to do much, destroying the akumatized bracelet on Chloe's wrist and purifying the akuma.

Ladybird watched as the butterfly flew off, LB noticing it quickly vanished within a couple of minutes. She then took Chloe home, now looking at her as she sat on the floor.

"Chloe Bourgeois. Why am I not surprised? Actually, I kind of am. Usually, you're the one causing the akumas. Never expected you to ever be one." Ladybird said, leaning against the railing of Chloe's balcony.

"I don't cause akumas!" Chloe yelled.

"Really? So Lady Wifi, Princess Fragrance, Horrificator, Evill-"

"Don't you think you're being harsh on-" Chat interrupted, earning a glare from LB.

"Shouldn't you be heading home? You're about to detransform any second now." Chat opened and shut his mouth before sighing. She was right.

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