Chapter 5: Overprotection

Start from the beginning

That's right. He was 17, almost 18 in a few months.

Who needed Bruce anyways?


Amira needed a break from unpacking, so taking her keys and her phone (that she managed to buy without her father knowing), Amira went off to explore. Of course, she told her 'parents' before going off, thanking that they at least understood her, unlike her own father.

Amira sighed as she looked out towards the Seine, wondering why many tourists believed that this river lived up to its fame, the river making her remember one of her father's stories about her mother.

Her mother and father had come here before, a year before she was born. Talia. That was her mother's name. While Amira hated the fact that she learned her mother's name 12 years too late, she was glad to finally have the name of the woman who brought her into this world.

Even if the world was against her.

The two were just two love birds, even if they only knew each other for a year. In that year, they came to the Seine together and placed a lock on that very bridge, thinking they too would end up together. Seems like the universe had other plans for the two.

Amira kept walking around town, getting a feel for it, remembering landmarks in case she ever got lost and didn't have her phone.

As she passed by a park, she couldn't help but notice the mob of girls looking at something...or rather, someone.

As she approached the mob, she finally saw what they were all desperately trying to get to see.

"Adrien!" A girl shouted, said boy turning to greet them, causing the girls to let out a deathly squeal, causing Amira to cover her ears.

Damn fangirls and their screams. Just when she thought she got used to them, she was always proven wrong. Then again, Dick's fanclub wasn't as rowdy as these girls. They at least respected Dick and his wishes of them not causing trouble for him.

Amira left the mob, wondering why the boy looked so familiar only to look up and see why. His damned face was all over the place.

A model...he was a model...

A decent looking model to be quite honest. But despite being a model, he had nothing compared to-

Amira caught herself mid sentence, wondering why she thought that...

Did she really miss him that much?

Not thinking much of it, she kept walking.


"What do you mean he isn't home?" Bruce asked, looking up from his documents. He watched as Alfred remained unfazed by Bruce's raise in tone.

"Master Dick told me to give you this if you should ever ask about his whereabouts." Alfred handed over an envelope to Bruce. But Bruce simply let it hang, getting up to search for his missing son. "Master Bruce, I suggest you don't-"

"We have patrol tonight and he should have been here by now, prepping for it. He should be-"

"-in Bludhaven by now." Alfred completes, making Bruce stop.


"Master Dick wanted to tell you that he was heading to Bludhaven." Alfred said, laying down the envelope Dick had wanted to give to Bruce. "'Crime never rests' he said before leaving with nothing but a small suitcase. Although if you ask me, it seems like he's taken the next step in his life. But what about you, Master Bruce?

Are you ready to take the next step?"

Bruce's mouth formed a thin line, eyeing the envelope on the desk.

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