* Ships in the Group: NCT U *

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                      Shotaro (TaroCo)
                    ~A Best Friend Ship

~When they first met, they immediately became close~Coco was so happy when she met him as her new member~The first few days after Shotaro was announced as a member, she would hang out with him a lot so he would be comfortable~In NCT's first few vi...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

~When they first met, they immediately became close
~Coco was so happy when she met him as her new member
~The first few days after Shotaro was announced as a member, she would hang out with him a lot so he would be comfortable
~In NCT's first few videos featuring Shotaro after his addition to NCT, Coco would always be with him so he would be comfortable in front of the camera
~Coco helps him with Korean
~They speak to each other in Japanese and occasionally, Korean
~Coco finds him so adorable but Shotaro finds Coco more adorable
~Shotaro calls her "Choco" like NCTzens do because her name reminds him of his dog back in Japan
~Coco admires his dancing a lot
~Since he likes dogs, Coco brought Soleil around him
~She calls him and Yuta her "favorite Japanese boys"
~She also calls Shotaro "otter" or "Taro" because of Taro Bubble Tea
~They are both highly supportive of each other
~She wants to be in a fixed unit with him since they were never really in units together. They were in NCT U but not together
~She will protect him from hate
~So far, Shotaro isn't protective but he knows that he might be soon enough
~Overall, these two are really cute and sweet and deserve the whole world

Sungchan (SungCole)
~A Best Friend Ship

~Like Shotaro, when Sungchan and Coco first met, they immediately became close~Coco was also happy to have Sungchan as her new member~She hangs out with him a lot

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

~Like Shotaro, when Sungchan and Coco first met, they immediately became close
~Coco was also happy to have Sungchan as her new member
~She hangs out with him a lot. In NCT's first few videos featuring Sungchan, Coco was always with him to make him feel comfortable
~Coco is really shocked by how tall he is considering he is in the maknae line
~Coco teaches him English
~Coco admires his rapping
~She sometimes calls him "Bambi" since that's his nickname
~They both like spicy food so they would sometimes eat it together
~Lowkey disgusted that he likes mint chocolate
~Like Shotaro, Coco wants to be in a fixed unit with Sungchan because they were only in NCT U together
~Not protective at all but like Shotaro, he knows he might soon
~Coco also protects him from hate
~They're both supportive of each other
~Overall, these two have an awesome and comfortable friendship

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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COCO// NCT 24TH MEMBERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang