Chapter 3

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A couple of hours later the girls had stopped talking, much to the queen's delight. Despite them being lovely fairies, they could easily talk your ears off and Clarion had been their victim. A cold wind swept through the empty cave, bringing some of the rain inside aswell. A gush of rain washed over the girls, making them scream and groan out in disgust, moving their now soaked hair away from their face they turned to look at their amused, giggling queen.

Clarion immediately stopped giggling once she noticed the girls' annoyed glares, clearing her throat the queen smiled at them apologetically "Are you girls alright?" she asked in a soothing voice to regain her composure. The girls nodded in response as they tried their best to dry themselves off once again, Silvermist being the only one who actually enjoyed the water.

Another cold wind swept through the cold and wet cave only this time Queen Clarion had stopped the water from hitting her fairies by using her water talent, which was much more advanced than a normal water talents'. The girls watched with both shock and amazement as the water seemed almost familiar with the queen, like an old friend yet it listened to her like she were its master.

Lowering the water back inside a small pond, Clarion smiled lightly before turning back to her fairies and giving them a sly smirk. Vidia huffed "Couldn't you have done that the first time queenie?" Clarion sighed at the fast flyer "I wasn't fast enough the first time. My excuses." she replied in her regal manner, despite feeling very irritated with her comment. As did Tinkerbell, she could put up with quite a bit from her raven-haired friend but disrespecting the queen even though she just helped you was crossing the line "Or just be grateful?" the young tinker snapped, shocking all of her friends and Queen Clarion herself.

Vidia rolled her eyes "What are you, a guard dog?" she crossed her arms tightly over her chest as the blonde got closer "No! I'm just sick of the way you treat Queen Clarion when she has done nothing but be nice and care for all of us, tell me one thing she has done except breath!" By now Tinkerbell's face had turned as red as a tomato, while Clarion still watched with shock as the fast flyer silenced "Exactly! So what is your problem?" she demanded in an angry tone that stunned Vidia aswell as the others.

Before the now enraged fast flyer could answer the queen stopped both girls with a stern yell "Girls!" a discreet silence erupted as everyone turned to Queen Clarion "Calm yourselves! Tinkerbell, Vidia, we're going to be stuck here for at least the rest of the night. We can solve this when we get back to Pixie Hollow but for now, let's not start fighting." Vidia huffed and sat back down against a rock as Tinkerbell nodded respectfully and sat next to the other girls.

It didn't take long before the group of young fairies once again began chatting, even though there was an awkward tension between Tinkerbell and Vidia, their friends didn't seem to mind as they had gotten used to it over time. "It's getting cold.." Fawn shivered lightly as she crossed her arms tightly over her chest, the other girls nodded in agreement and slowly started huddling up together for warmth. Clarion now had her arms crossed aswell, she couldn't just let her poor fairies get sick like this, that's exactly what she wanted to prevent.

Her sapphire eyes scanned around the cave and eventually landed on a couple of dry branches and leaves, she let out a small hum and slowly walked towards them. The girls became silent once more as they watched the queen bend down and pick up a couple of dry branches before placing them in front of the girls. Vidia quirked an eyebrow at the monarch who merely glanced at the raven girl, she slowly held out her hands towards the branches and within a couple of seconds, bright red fire spurted from her hands onto the wood.

Golden flames erupted along the glowing ruby fire, a light grey smoke followed not long after. The elegant flames reflected inside the young girls' eyes as they watched with admiration, never in their lives had they seen or heard of a fire talent! Only the most talented light talents had ever been able to create a lasting fire through their magic, fire talents had never even existed to their knowledge. The Queen tried her best to suppress a chuckle, she had hardly ever used her magic in front of anyone including her few close friends and loving husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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