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Mrs. What's her face was yelling again for what I don't know or really care. She honestly expects me to pay attention her droning on about Romeo and Juliet. We have been on this firkin book for over three months. We are in her honors course for f*ck's sake. We should have been done with this a month ago. But then she must enrich us with knowledge.
"Tell me why you think Romeo got into a fight with the Capulets and why the Prince decides to spare and exile him. Also why does Romeo think killing himself? Well come on Miss Calentien enlighten us." Mrs. Bohlenn asked in that annoyingly high pitch, sickly sweet voice. I might as well answers the lady I mean she does control my grade.
" I think Romeo is just like any teenaged boy. He never wants to back down from a fight cause he thinks backing down will make him less manly. He is not thinking with his head. The prince spared him because he knew that Romeo was an immature idiot boy who was invested in the rivalry. Romeo is being way over dramatic. While exile sucks it's not the end of the world. He can still do stuff."
"Romeo is not a typical teenage boy Miss Calentein. He is a man who is deeply in love with Juliet" sniffed Mrs Bohlenn.
The lady did just ask me what my opinion was and an opinion can't really be wrong since it's whatever the person saying believes.
Finally the bell wrong. This class took way to long. I wonder if there's a way to get back the last hour and a half of my life back.
3rd POV
As Luciene was walking out of the school she noticed that the teachers seemed more up tight then usual. She wasn't very concerned about this seeing as it was probably another Catholic school scandal. The last scandal involved a friend of mine who came out of the closet. He was finally able to drop fake girlfriend thing which was good. It was causing he a lot of unnecessary stress. Sadly he was kicked out of the school and on stop of that his parents had the nerve to disown him. The school made us attend mass and pray and do all of this unnecessary sh*t so God can forgive us.
POV 3rd Person
Then Luciene was forced to attend this weird ass meetings. They were by far the most uncomfortable meetings I have ever attended in my life. That's saying something since she has been in the system and those "meetings" hardly qualified as meetings. Sadly Luciene's father had spotted her before she could get off campus.
Luciene POV
"GET IN THE CAR RIGHT NOW" my foster parent yelled.
I guess he found out what I was doing when I skipped English last week. The only reason I was there this time is because my foster parent had one of those people in the office walk me to class and stay there in the back to make sure I stayed. I only went to the club that a old friend of mine owns to hang out and work. He doesn't let me drink or be out in the open during the hours where the club is open. If I want to leave I need to make sure I have a lot of money saved up. At the club I work in the kitchen. I love cooking and baking and the customers do as well. The club has theme nights so it's a great way for me to experiment and see what people like and how well it can be somewhat mass produced. Of father dearest thinks I'm probably drinking me self to death or sleeping with very thing that has a penis. I'm heterosexual which works in my favor because this foster family is super conservative and creepy Catholic. I probably should pay attention to whatever he is yelling about.
"Why can't you be more like your brother. He has perfect grades. Plays on the varsity football team even though he is only a freshman. He attends Mass every Sunday without fail and even volunteers at the local outreach center. I don't understand why you can't be like him. All you do islet in trouble and your grades aren't as good as his. You do all of those guy sports instead of doing girl sports. After this little stunt you pulled you are going to regret ever being born." Did I forget to mention he hates my guts. The only reason I'm still here is because it would look bad if he returned me. Plus he needs me here. It would look bad if people found out all of the secrets Hidden behind those sweet smiles.
"You aren't coming of the basement for the entire weekend maybe then you'll learn your place" he continued lecturing me.
He is also a ephebophile which means he is sexually attracted to in his case girls 13-18, meaning me. Since he can't get off with his wife he decides let's adopt a kid then I can do whatever the hell I want. He knows nobody will believe a foster kid especially an problem kid and undesirable. You become a problem kid after you have been in more then two homes. You become undesirable around the age of 12 people don't look want you anymore meaning that social services don't care. People want younger kids cause they can easily become more like the family. Of course I was adopted by the Caletien's when I was 13 meaning there was no checking of any kind into the family. So I'm now stuck here with them for the next 3-ish years unless I run away, Mr.Calentien kills me, or I kill myself. The only option I'm considering at the moment is running away but if I do that then I can't go to culinary school. Sometimes I honestly blame my brother for the complete shit show my life is. If he had only said he wanted me then maybe... just maybe I could touch the touch the stars instead of just looking at them.

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