Hey handsome,

I'm good, my dad and Tonks are fine aswell. We are all just nervous for my birthday and the full moon after it. My jaw and muscles are hurting more and more every day.
Keeping my emotions together has been hard for the past couple of days and lets just say we have seen a lot of colours.

Ever since I told dad that we are a thing he has been trying to give me
the 'the talk' I think our prank about me being pregnant has reminded him about the fact I am almost sixteen.

Say hello to George and the others for me, will you?

I love you and miss you too.

Kisses, me.

I put the piece of parchment in a envelope and closed it with some red wax. I walked down the stairs and gave the letter to my dad's owl.
"To the Burrow." And he flew away.

"Breakfast is ready!" Tonks screamed from the kitched. I helped her setting up the table and filled three glasses.

"Remus? Are you coming darling?" My dad walked in. I still thought is was unfair my dad couldn't return to Hogwarts after summerbreak ended.
It will be hard, I wouldn't have my dad around to talk to when I needed him. Now I had to do everything alone, the thing I was most scared of were my shifts. Fred and George offered to help but Molly, my dad and I dissagreed.
Dad wasn't allowed on school grounds. I had to rely on Tonks. She promised to help me every month.

After dinner we took a short walk through the forest near our house. I heard someone near us. "Dad? Did you hear that?" I whisperd. He put me behind him. "Tonks you go that way."

The nodded and walked away from us. "Stay with me Y/n." I took out my wand and looked around.
I was standing back to back with my dad. We turned in circles. Another sound came from our left. Tonks came back to us. "Nothing there." My dad nodded his head to our left to let Tonks know where the sound came from.

"Let's go home." My dad grabbed our arms and we apparated back to our living room. "Any idea who that was dad?" He shook his head.
"I'm not sure. Tonks can I talk to you?"

They left the living room. "Do you think it is him Remus?" I heard Tonks say.
I think they forgot about the fact I have stonden senses now. "I don't know, but if it is him both me and Y/n are in danger." Who could want me and my dad? And why? Do they know we are werewolfs?

Thoughts kept spinning in my head. "Dad? Someone just knocked on the door." I walked towards the door to open it. "Y/n! Don't open it!"

Me dad rushed passed me and looked through the window.
"There is no one here." He opened the door and looked around. "Remus, on the floor." Tonks said. On the ground was an dark red envelope. "Y/n, go to your room, stay there until I come and get you, do you understand?." I nodded and walked upstairs. I sat down on my bed. Who would do this?"

Remus pov:
I opened the letter and read the words in my head.

Is it that easy to scare a Lupin?
I thought it would be an exiting challange.

See you soon, F

"Tonks!? I was right... we need to pack and leave if this is really from who I think it is. I ran upstairs. "Y/n! Grab everyting you need. At least for two weeks! We need to go. We will leave in ten minutes." I started to panick and grabbed everything I needed and hid all the things that could lead the person to us. I spelled my box with letters so it would become smaller and put it in the big bag I normaly used when we traveled.

I ran downstairs with my bag. "Dad where are we going?" Tonks and dad looked at me. "We don't know yet dear. We can't go to the Weasleys and put their lives at stake. First we need to find out what is happening."

Was it that serious? Were our lives at stake?

"We will apparate to one of my save locations, from there we will travel by those muggle things."

"Do you mean a car?"

"Yes, that thing."


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(Word count: 1429)
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