We need to save her 👀

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R- so what do we do to fix this
H- scwhoz ,any ideas
S- uh maybe one ,remember when charlotte got musically brain warrRpEdd
henry and ray look at each other trying to figure out what he had said
H-ok im going to assume you said musically brain warped and what about it ?
S -ok so when she was you know warped ,her emotion was triggered by reversing the song that made it happened ,but by my calculations if we play back her memories instead of the music
H-but how are we supposed to get alone with her to play back her memories
R-yeah scwhoz
scwhoz looked at ray with a blank face
S-anyway ,when you guys go missing theres always a tracker i put u guys phone -
S- uh nothing ,anyway i have her gps singal on the moniters
ray ,henry and scwhoz all walked towards the monitors
S-so here are you guys and here is Charlotte
It says she's at the old laundry mat down town
H-wash and weep
S- that's the one
(Sorry I made up the name )
R-alright kid let's blow a bubble and get Charlotte out trouble
H-nice 🙂
R-thank u
They blow a bubble and head to the tubes and just like that they were gone

****At the laundry mat
Ray and Henry was out side the laundry mat trying to figure the plan ,they had all these weapons on their belt and they were ready
H- ok here's the plan you distract them while I go inside and to go see Charlotte and see if she remembers me ,and by then I give her the anecdote.
R-anecdote what anecdote?
H-oh Schwoz gave it to me just in case it doesn't work
R-then why don't you just give that instead of the memory thing ?
H-because he hasn't tested it so he's not sure if it will work .
Ray nods
H-u ready ?
R - ok go !
Ray runs inside while Henry hides
The bombers turns around and sees captain man standing there and his hands on his hips like he's super hero
R-stop there Um thiefs ?
Lady jazmine looks at him with aggravation
All of a sudden all the robbers start attacking captain man except one James isn't there .

Henry walks in the room where Charlotte and notices her eyes are still red but all of a sudden he hears a boy voice and the same one
H-your girlfriend he being controlled and you're ok with it
J- yes if it's for a good purpose
H- stealing from people isn't a good thing
J-giving to the homeless is
H-look I need to get Charlotte and bring her home
J- she is home ,and if your going to take her you have to go through me
H-lets dance
They start fighting while Charlotte looks at Henry and James
Henry kicks James to the floor ,while he was distracted James tripped his foot and tied his up in the chairs
J- keep a eye on him I gotta go get sum
Charlotte didn't have any reaction she look at him then Henry
H-Charlotte look you don't have to do this ok , I'm sorry for telling ray and getting you fired ,Ik what it's like to date a bad person ok I'm sorry .
She was almost tempted but she resisted
H-Charlotte,do you remember when you found out my secret that I was kid danger ,u was so smart to figure it out and when I got fired ,u got me my job back ,that's a true friend
Charlotte looks at him and her eyes turn back to the regular color of brown
She walks towards Henry and unties him
C-what happened why does my head hurts so much
H-I'll tell you on the way out of here he gotta get ray .
They run out of there just to know that there was all of them lined up and ready to attack with ray hanging upside down from his ankles
H-oh boy 😳

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