Chapter 2 Aftermath a busy day plus Japan and Republica

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Today I decided to go visit Kiku and his girlfriend Selena aka East Republica Dominica, for relxation after my busy day also to ask Selena what should I do about Ivan stalking me. Kiku opend the door and let me in to find Selena wearing a white blouse, red skirt going a few inches below her knees, and a blue flower in her loose long dark brown wavy hair. The sight of her setting the dinner table, made it look to me as if she was more of Kiku's wife than girlfriend (*1).

Welcome Ming, how are you? Selena asked.

I am doing fine and you? I responed.

Doing great, it is nice for you to join us for dinner Ming.

Well I have to visit my little brother and my possible new sister-in-law.

Selena laughed while Kiku of course blushed a shade of red. After dinner we all had to the hot springs, Kiku took the men's section while Selena and I took the women's section. All of us wearing our swimsuits just to keep the other more comfortable.

So let me us Ivan is stalking you still? Selena asked while just settling in.

How did you? I started.

I have my sources, anyways de best idea is getting a restrianing order against him.

That won't he will just stalk me more.

Then have you tried threathing him?

That backfired, all my brothers and inculding Yao run off at the sight of the she-demon (*2) that stalks Ivan.

Selena frowned a bit then took a deep breath.

Okay if that does not work, have you politly asked him to stop?

Are crazy Selena!? I shouted.

I am not loca, but it worked for a while of getting Kuro off my back.

We both stopped talking the name being spoken was Kiku's 2p. Kuro always wanted Selena to be his but never succeed even with threats. In fact all the 2ps wanted the other 1ps, for example besides Selena's case, a much more serious one was with Alice and 2p America, Alice had to have Alfred live with her till 2p America backed off, which was a full year. Who knows what they have done but somehow 2p America shouted bloody murder one night about Alice being a herlot, which got him to back off. 

Do you want Ivan to stop stalking you? 

Yes, I said.

Then ask him to stop nicely, now any more questions?

In fact I do, what do you think happend that one night 2p America called Alice a herlot?

Selena blushed then spoke.

I have dis talk with Kiku we guessed that Alice and Alfred did the "dirty things" with each other and 2p America must of .ah.. saw that.

Oh, now my face was heating up.

Anymore that are not that one?

Well do you know much of the new scenes? 

New scences was our code word for gossip, us girls used that a lot, so the boys never know what going on.

Que no, not much but there is new of a beach party hosted by the Caribbean countries and some of de Centeral y South American countires as well, dis spring.

Oh really what should I bring?

We just a week long pack of clothes, because the allies and axies are staying before the party begins and after at Dominican's, Cuba's, and my house.

We just spent the rest of the time talking about the spring party and having some girl talk, laughing at the part when Antoina pranked Romano thinking they both are going to be parents.

Romano was all just like well you stupid bastards! That was not de funny! I nearly gotta heart-a attack. Antoina was just laughing her head off along with Antoino, Felicano, Felicana, Luanna, and surprisingly Ludwig as well.

Hey um Ming can I ask you a question?

Sure what is it?

Please don't get angry with me, but do you still love Ivan in anyway possible?

I did not speak for some period of time after that, just thinking do I still love him? Yes after the cold war, we lost touch a lot, I did ran off causing much hurt to him and to myself, I thought about it all. All those times spent with each other and that one winter that one spring, we were so happy, no I cannot think of that, it will only cause me much pain.

Ming I am so sorry I have asked but if you have any inside issues let me know and I will help si?

Sure I will think of that, maybe at the park to say anything about that, after I talk to Ivan tomorrow.

Okay then well just tell me y I will come over as fast as possible.

I nodded my head.

After that time spent i thanked Kiku and Selena for letting me comeover and I went home, surprisingly everyone but myself was asleep. I showered and got dressed for bed, then fell asleep with one of my favorite panda plushies.

Of in the distance, Ivan was watching his lost love sleep. He had heard every last word Republica and Ming had said. Maybe there still be hope for us, Ivan thought. Maybe she still love me. I just have to see what happen tomorrow.

(*1)just to make things clear, Republica does not live with Japan at all, she is just staying at his house, while in for a meeting with the local Japanese schools for her godkids to see if those schools are benefical to her god kids and if you wonder where those three are, they are being babysit by fem Findland and Sweden.

(*2) the she-demon is Belarus if you must know.

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