"Right? Thank you. And when I ask Alex and Georgia about it, they just lie and pretend like everything is sunshine and butterflies. That's what bothers me the most," She explained and Marcus nodded in agreement.

He knew for a fact Alex did that because she always did it to him. She would rather tell a thousand lies than a single truth.

The was probably the only thing he hated when it came to liking her. He never knew if what she was saying was the truth or another lie. The whole situation with Kaden was the biggest lie of them all. She could never seem to tell him why she stayed with him, despite all the bad things Kaden did to her.

Worst of all, he could never really figure out if she genuinely liked him or was just toying with him. He had no right to be pissed if she was using him. After all, he was just as indecisive as her and they were seeing other people while also being allowed with each other.

Of course, at the cafe that day, she had told him she was just toying with him but he knew better than to believe her at that moment. She had the tendency to purposely hit people where it hurt most to make them go away.

She told him herself. She had commitment issues. She always left or drove people away before she could genuinely begin to care about them, fearing the thought of being abandoned or hurt in the end. She'd rather hurt them before they could have the chance to hurt her first.

"Obviously, there's a lot they're both not telling me. Why all the secrecy? It affects me too," Ginny complained, an aggravated look on her face, "And I want to ask Alex, since she seems to know everything, but she'd never betray our mom like that. She has her own skeletons stuffed in her closet that she won't tell me about."

"So ask your aunt," Marcus suggested, causing Ginny's eyes to widen since he had a point.

Just then, Ginny's phone rang, causing her to roll her eyes when she saw who was calling her. "What do you want, Georgia?" She spoke up in an annoyed tone as she placed the phone to her ear when Marcus and Marcus watched her curiously, "I'm at the Bakers'. Where are you? Fine. I'm leaving now."

The moment she hung up the phone, she looked between Marcus and Max as she began to place on her shoes. "Mother of the Year is getting drunk with Alex and our mysterious new aunt," She informed the group and both siblings' eyes widened at the fact that Alex was getting wasted with her own mother, "I have to watch Austin and my new cousin."

"I'll come," Max immediately spoke up as she was quick to put her shoes on.

"Yeah, me too," Marcus suddenly replied, causing both girls to turn to him in surprise. In truth, he only wanted the chance to get to see Alex sooner or later that didn't involve him having to climb through her window unannounced.

She always complained that he always went through the window. Now, he wouldn't be.

"No, you won't," Max replied as she turned to give her brother a weird look.

"What? I'm invested," Marcus replied, causing Ginny to give him a knowing look since it was obvious that it was a lie. She just wanted to see Alex, "Is a mystery uncle next? Can't wait. Maybe we'll even get to see Alex come home drunk out of her mind."

"Oh, no," Ginny chuckled and shook her head, "That's a sight you do not want to see."

"But Alex is always getting drunk," Max reminded her and Ginny smiled at her in amusement.

MASK ON | GINNY AND GEORGIAOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant