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The two began to slowly understand each other better as months went by and she gradually saw the changes of his approach.

He's kinder than normal and even more considerate. When he normally doesn't mind whatever she's doing, this time, he would take action first before she does, especially with things involved in manual labor. And also, because of the mission where she was abandoned, he became rather...protective. He may not be the chatty type but recently, he's become more open, in her opinion.

Likewise, Tomioka noticed the way that she would react whenever he'll be so close to her. The way the blush would form on her pale cheeks like pink roses and when she would stammer and think of her next sentence...

It was adorable.

And before they knew it, a year has already passed.

And within that year, feelings they never expected blossomed slowly and delicately.

"Fuyuka." Tomioka called out to her while they were eating dinner.

She placed her empty bowl down after finishing her food. "Hai?"

He faced her and wiped the grain on her chin. A small blush dusted her white cheeks when his thumb slightly brushed her lower lip.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry." She said while looking at her bowl awkwardly.

"Aaaaaah!! What should I do?! I didn't expect that I'd really fall for Tomioka-san!!" She mentally screamed in embarrassment. "I thought he was just a Hashira I admire for his skills but his kindness really...!"

"Is there something wrong?" He suddenly asked, which she nearly flinched in surprise.

"N-Nothing's wrong, sir!"

He tilted his head in confusion when she was being stiff again before giving out a sigh.

It didn't help that their cohabitation earned a lot of teasing from Shinobu and it was mistook many times from the Hashiras that they are lovers. Of course, Fuyuka would be embarrassed.

"Was I being really weird, huh?!" She mentally face palmed when she saw her bowl being moved to the side. "Eh?"

He moved closer to her side and gently grabbed her chin and made her face him.

"T-Tomioka-san...?" Heat rushed to her cheeks as she spoke in stuttered manner.

His eyes held seriousness while looking at her. "Please don't tell me this is one-sided."


"My feelings for you."

"Uwaaaa!! Straight to the point!!" She nearly blew a fuse when his blunt attitude overwhelmed her. She gulped and nervously looked straight to his eyes with a mad blush on her cheeks.

"F-Feelings...wh-what do you mean, Tomioka-san...?"

She didn't want to have a wrong idea and be embarrassed.

"Fuyuka, do I have to spell it out for you?" His voice was low and his eyes were gentle, which surprised her since the man rarely pulls off that face.

"I-I... I just... don't want to assume things wrong... Tomioka-san is a kind person and honest but... I don't want to interpret things in the wrong way and ruin everything..."

"...Was I not obvious enough?"


He let her go before looking a little gloomy to the side. "I thought by now, you have an idea of what I feel for you... were my actions not clear enough?"

Snowfall || Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanfic || [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu