Chapter One-We're Moving?

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***Emily's P.O.V.***

There was a week before school started here in California. So my friends and I were out school shopping for clothes, and supplies.

"Oh my gosh! Look how pretty this shirt is! I just have to have it!" Kathleen, exclaimed. Holding a neon pink sparkly shirt from Buckle. Alyssa and I laughed. Kathy was always looking for new clothes!

     Alyssa and Kathy were my best friends. We met each other in 6th grade, and are still friends, even as 10th graders.

     Alyssa has bleach blond natural hair, her hair was down to her shoulders, and it was wavy too.  Tan skin, and a ton of freckles all over her body. Her eyes were a blue color that really popped out. She looked like some sort of a surfer girl. 

     Kathy had  long pitch black hair. Really white skin, green eyes, and red lips. She resembled Snow White. But she hated when I brought that subject up.

      I was pretty average looking. I had long caramel colored hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.

     "I really want this shirt. But its $50.00 dollars! Why is Buckle so expensive?" Kathy complained. Would it look good on me?" She held it up to her chest and twirled around. Alyssa and I giggled and nodded.

     "I think you should get it," I suggested.

     "Me too, its really cute!" Alyssa added.

     "Okay! I'll go buy it! But I brought exactly $50.00 with me...could I borrow a few for tax?" She held out her hand, and I handed her a $5.00 dollar bill. "Thank you, Em!"

     Once Kathy was done buying her shirt, we went to the basement of the mall to our favorite fast food restaurant, Sweet Tooth. We all got a corn dog, and sat down in the torn up booth in the corner of the restaurant. The only reason we sat there was because every time we came to Sweet Tooth, this booth is where we sat. We usually called it 'Our booth'.

     "Do you mind if Drew comes here to meet us?" I asked Alyssa, and Kathy. They both giggled and nodded. Drew had been my boyfriend for about three and a half months.

* * * * * * * * * *

Drew slid into "Our booth" beside me. Then he kissed me on the check, which caused me to blush. Alyssa cooed.

     "Aw!" Kathy said. Drew smiled, and got up to order a cheeseburger, and treat us all to a slushee.

     "So when is the wedding?" Alyssa teased, when Drew was far enough away that he couldn't hear us. I reach across the table and playfully punched her arm.

     "Oh, shut-" My phone started to ring. I dug through my purse until I found it, at the very bottom.

     "Hello? Mom?" I walked into the lady's room, were it was more quiet.

     "Hey honey," She said happily. "Guess what?"


     "You know where your grandparents live, Courtland, Kansas, right?" She didn't wait for me to respond. "We're moving there." I was stunned for a second.

     "Wait, what?! Moving!? Your kidding, right?" I asked, hoping this was just a joke.

     "Nope. In three days, three days counting this one-so technically two days. The movers are coming to get our stuff and take it to Courtland. That's when we'll leave too. So go say goodbye to your friends, and please come home, right now. Bye, love you."

     "No! Wait mom we-" I stopped because I lady came in to fix her make-up, and then quickly left, because I was kinda staring at her. "...we can't just leave! I was born here! You can't make me do this! It isn't fair. Please mom!" There was complete silence on the other end. She had hung up on me.

     I walked back out to where Alyssa, Kathy, and Drew were sitting, laughing.

     "Hey Em, something wrong?" Alyssa asked me. I guess she could tell I was pretty depressed.

     "I-I'm moving." I said sadly.

     "Ha ha ha, that's real funny, Emily." Kathy said. I didn't answer for a few seconds, and I could see all of their eyes fill with concern.

   "You're really moving?" Alyssa asked sadly. I nodded.

     "Crap! What if we never see each other again? Where are you moving? Will we still text?" Drew asked me. I nodded and laughed sadly.

     "I don't know what we'll do if we never see each other again, Kansas, and yes." I answered. He sat back in his chair. He started rubbing his temples.

     "But that isn't fair I love-" He started. But I interrupted. If he was about to say 'I love you' that would not be fair-knowing that I'm moving and I'll probably never see him again.

     "I have to go home." I got up, hugged Alyssa and Kathy-very tightly. And kissed Drew's check. "I'm going to miss you guys so much. I love you guys. Text me everyday okay?" They all nodded. "B-bye.."  I said, starting to cry. I hugged them all one more time, and then went outside, and made my way to my car. I heard a crack of thunder, and it started pouring down rain. I could feel big, fat, painful rain drops hitting my skin. I started to run to my car, but tripped and feel into a pile of mud. I slowly, got up and finally made it to my car.

    I turned on the heat, and sped down the road. It was raining even more now. I turned on my wind shield wipers, but that didn't really help. I was coming up to a green light, and I was still going fast. I was still far away when the light turned red. I tried slamming on my brakes, but they wouldn't work. As I came closer to the light, I heard a loud *honk* and tires squeaking, and then everything went black.

**Beep, beep, beep** My eyes fluttered open. I looked around the room I was in, but didn't recognize a thing.

     "Your awake!" Exclaimed my mom. I saw her get up from where she was sitting. "Thank heavens!"

     "What happened?" I asked, croaky voiced.

     "You got in a car accident." She said sadly. "But every things okay. Tomorrow we're leaving to go to Courtland, by the way." I slapped my forehead.

     "I totally forgot about that! Please don't make me go!" My mom shook her head.

     "Sorry, but it's all planned. I just put our house on the market, I think the Robertson's (The Robertson's had been a family friend since I was little) have been wanting to buy it. So everything's fine."

     "Where will we live at Courtland?"

     "Already taken care of, I bought us a pretty nice house, I think you'll really like it there. There's no mall, the closest store is thirty miles away-its a very small town. And, when your at the very beginning of the town, you can see the end. It's a whole different from here. "It'll be...something different."


"Here we are, at Courtland at last!" Exclaimed my mom as we pulled into our drive way of our new house.

     Well. Here we are, Courtland, Kansas.

~Author's Note~

I hope you liked the very first chapter of my new book!

When ever there is italics that's when someone is thinking to themself about whatever their thinking. And whenever a paragraph is not indented, that's when it's a whole new scene or something. I just wanted to tell you in case you didn't know...

Courtland Kansas is a real town! Every thing the mom said (who by the way the mom's name is Barbara) is true-There's no mall, the closest store is thrity miles away-its a very small town. And, when your at the very begining of the town, you can see the end.

So yeah! Hope you liked the new book! I'll try really hard to updated once or twice a week, so the book doesn't die down! :D


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