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A smooth hand runs through his blond hair. His long fingernails relax him as he lays against his chest, feeling their heartbeat against his. How long has it been since he felt safe? How long has he yearned to be in his arms again? The memories resurfacing all make sense as to why he's felt out of place. They laid together as Fuzzy snuggled in between Ashiyas right arm while his left arm caressed Abenos head on his chest. They kept silent, feeling each other's warmth, listening to each other's breath-- it felt like a huge weight was off their shoulders.

"..I remember being the taller one, and you would always snuggle beside me. Looks like that hasn't changed, other than.. You being taller now." Ashiya laughs lightly, trying not to move his chest too much so that Abeno wouldn't move. Looking back, Ashiya had been the taller child and would aid Abeno when grabbing things up high. Now, Abeno was just a smidge higher though it didn't change the way they used to sleep. Being this close felt normal even if they had just finally found each other. "I.. Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" Tears started whelming up inside Ashiya once more, "and how scared I felt when you got your memory back?" Abeno could hear his heart beating fast and faster against his ear. He turns his head to look up at Ashiya, who moves his hand away from fuzzy and rests it against his eyes. "I shouldn't feel this happy now that you're here, but I can't force you to stay with me after all of this."

Abeno continued to listen to the weeping boy, closing his eyes while laying in his arms still.

"Abeno-san I-"

Abeno took a deep breath in, "I don't remember you ever calling me Abeno before." He reaches up and pinches Ashiyas cheek that was wet with tears. "I remembered. But I don't think you remember saving me." He sighs, sitting up and looking down at the blue sleeve over Ashiyas face.

It was true. All Ashiya knew was passing out right, and learning that he killed a yokai during that process. He doesn't remember saving Abeno, Aoi decided to separate the two after learning they both suffered from traumatic amnesia. It was best to keep them separated and live a life where minimal contact with each other would be best. Ashiya had remembered only bits and pieces unlike Abeno. All he could see was his friend reaching for help and blacking out- waking up with blood smeared on him. Regardless, he felt guilty for making him suffer and remembering the full length.

"Even now, you still protected me from getting hurt by the Executive. You stayed with me when I was reliving it. You're an idiot if you think I'd leave, we made a promise."

A promise that they would stay together forever. A small wish two boys wanted but couldn't receive until now.

"But even if you are ready to be back-!" Ashiya sits up and grabs his shoulder, tears streaking down his face. "I can't watch you get hurt like that ever again. I don't know if I'm strong enough to protect you- I still can't even use my own influence properly! The last thing I want is to lose you forever this time!"

A small smile reaches Abenos face, and he strokes Ashiyas crying face. "You're still such a baby, you know that?" He wipes his face with his red robe, "I can take care of myself. After that incident, Aoi taught me how to use influence hence why my hair is permanently golden now. I just haven't used it in awhile."

A few sniffles pass and Ashiya retorts back, "I thought you just became a yankee." The look on Abeno's face changed from solemn-happy to a.. Something Ashiya did not want to see. "I'M SORRY!" Abeno pushes Ashiya off him, angry that his current look appeared to be rebellious. Maybe he should dye his hair to black? In that moment, Ashiya used his influence, making his eyes turn yellow. "You look cute, Itsuki." Abeno turns to look at Ashiya, shocked after hearing his nickname and the combination of cute together. His eyes were not as hollow as the ones before, They had warmth to them, but it felt strange to see how bold Ashiya was.

"If you become my employee, you won't ever get to leave, you know this don't you?" A small smirk arises from Ashiya. His influence made his personality scrabble up, becoming more arrogant and cocky. There was still enough of his bright child-like behavior...that is, he didn't intend on sharing Abeno with anyone else.


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"Hanae." Abeno leans in quickly, "You talk too much." Leaving a subtle peck on the lips. He had hoped Ashiya would revert back to his normal goofy self, but it had done the opposite. The eyes Ashiya gave felt dangerous, piercing into Abeno's eyes and lightly licked his lip. "H-Hey.. Ashiy-"

Ashiya pulls Abeno onto his lap, his legs folded into a criss-cross motion and the stund boy on top had his legs around his back. "Yeaaaa there's no way you're leaving me anymore." He brought it upon himself, he shouldn't have made the first move. If he told Abeno why he used his influence, he...would be laughed at. He did it so that he could have the confidence to tell him how he felt- but now all of that was out the door. "Mononokean, close your eyes for a bit." Ashiya yells at the scroll, blushing madly while Fuzzy jumped towards the scroll to hide his face.


Abeno, looking confused at the situation, begins to push against Ashiyas chest to get off. "Itsukiiii.." He tightens his grip around his waist, making sure he knows he's not going anywhere. Abeno could only back up so far while Ashiya leaned himself in for another kiss.

 Abeno could only back up so far while Ashiya leaned himself in for another kiss

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"I missed you."

Hello, Anon11400 here.

Cocky Ashiya is "what I like to hear," - Ikari.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it, though, it was slightly rushed. Please look forward tomy future one shots and (possible-lemon) in the near future.

As always, please support Wazawa-sensei and their work or else we wouldn't have these characters to fawn over.

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Give it a like so you can reread it in the future!Thank you,

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