"no" Regulus shook his head, Clara nodded. "You go in first. No one should see us together" Regulus urged her,

"okay" she nodded and walked towards the castle, soon after she walked in Regulus walked in slowly and went down to the dungeons.

Clara walked into the Gryffindor common room with the pendant in her hand, "what's that you got there?" Peter called out to her,

"nothing" she answered gloomily,

"doesn't look like nothing to me" James teased,

"it's something to me, and nothing to you. Got it?" Clara snapped, the four boys gave each other a look signifying that they were going to find out what it is.

"We have detention tonight Clara" Remus told her,

"okay" she answered and walked up to her dorm. She found a thin chain necklace and put the pendant on it, and put it around her neck, she changed into grey sweatpants, a black tank top and a long loose red cardigan. She went back down to the common room as she hid the pendant under her shirt, "detention, Clara?" Remus looked at her,

"right" she rolled her eyes and ran back to her dorm, she put her cloak on above her clothes and grabbed her wand. She walked with Remus to detention that they had with McGonagall, "at this point I think McGonagall hates me!" Clara sighed,

"she may act like it, but you're her best student" Remus smiled,

"thanks Moony" Clara laughed, they walked into McGonagall's office and saw her talking with Dumbledore.

"it is an important matter, we have to address it-"

"It can wait Albus-"

"We'll continue this conversation later Minerva, seems you have visitors" Dumbledore looked at the two,

"hello professor!" Clara waved,

"good evening Ms. Potter" Dumbledore smiled, "detention?"

"Yes" Clara nodded proudly,

"well then, goodbye Minerva" Dumbledore spoke,

"goodbye Albus" McGonagall answered as he walked out of the classroom.

"You two will be writing lines" McGonagall said handing them both a piece of parchment, Remus took out his quill and ink, he looked at Clara who was sitting down on a table next to him. She was drumming with her fingers on the desk,

"haven't got a quill on you?" Remus asked her grinning,

"what? Oh no, I haven't" Clara laughed at herself, he handed her a quill and they started writing down lines as McGonagall corrected homework on her desk.


"Yes Potter?" McGonagall answered,

"could I maybe do my homework instead?" Clara suggested,

"yes, I suppose you can." McGonagall said before looking back down at her work. Clara pulled out her homework she had in her cloak,

"you're up to something" Remus whispered, "you would never switch lines for homework"

"what if I'm not doing homework?" She smirked, she started scribbling words down quickly on a page of her homework, then ripped off the part she had written on and handed it to Remus.

We need to figure out what Minnie and Dumbledore were talking about -Vixen He read it and nodded to Clara,

Got it, I'll distract Minnie and you sneak out -Moony He wrote and passed it to Clara,

It's not that easy Minnie is smart -Vixen

What's your plan then? -Moony

I think I can try Legilimency on her. Reckon it'll work? -Vixen

Got it! -Moony.

Clara held her wand out under the desk, "Legilimens" she whispered, but couldn't get inside McGonagall's mind,

Couldn't get in, should've known better -Vixen

She is pretty talented at occlumency -Moony

Couldn't have told me that earlier, git -Vixen

"You two can leave now. Potter, to Dumbledores office" McGonagall told them.

"Did you do anything that might've gotten you expelled?" Remus asked as he walked with Clara to Dumbledores office,

"probably" she shrugged and sighed, she waved goodbye to Remus as she walked up the spiral staircase to Dumbledores office. 

"Hello, Clara" Dumbledore smiled as she walked into his office,

"hello professor, you wanted to see me?" Clara sat down on the chair in front of his desk,

"How are your studies?" Dumbledore brought up,

"splendid" Clara answered almost immediately, knowing that he was stalling to say the real reason she came to his office, she wanted him to get to the point already.

"You have decided on becoming an Auror, yes?" Dumbledore went further into detail,

"yes" she answered. 

"Have you mastered the art of Occlumency?" Dumbledore asked her, 

"nearly" she replied, "it's quite fun to learn if you ask me" 

Dumbledore looked at her for a second as if he were trying to read her mind. "It seems to be good enough" he smiled,

"thank you professor", "is there some particular reason I'm here?" Clara questioned,

"yes, but I think I should save it for another time" Dumbledore answered getting up from his seat,

"yes, of course professor" Clara nodded and left his office.

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