🌟chapter one🌟

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"what if they don't like you bubbles" Allie my demon friend said "don't worry they don't have to like me they sent me here cause they believe in my strength even though I don't believe myself" I said "you know i really hate you sometime but that can't be helped, anyways see ya later" Allie said "see ya" I said

"Hello my family to day is an important day for us cause we got a new family member joining us today introducing (Y/N) Hashibira" Oyakata-sama said

I walked out of the dark and I was followed by clear (f/c)= foam color foam around me then I stopped and then did a little bow I could feel the cold pebbles in my head but I didn't care "it's a honor to finally meet the Hashiras but actually becoming one it's like a dream" I said still bowing

"Why do I feel like my energy has gone away" one of the Hashiras said the person who said said that has a cape with fire patterns and his hair is yellow with red tips and very thick eye brows everyone was coughing but the only one who wasn't coughing was a boy how has snakes and two different eye color

"(Y/N) I believe that you still have your form activated" Oyakata-sama said "my apologies I'll turn it off right now" as I stopped bowing a waved my sword and then the foam was gone in minutes

after gaining back their energy one of the Hashiras said "you have the smell of demons on you and their fresh demons to be exact" the guy with cuts allover his face and white spiky hair said that

"I was batting some demons, before I got here and i didn't have time to clean myself up" I said as my smile slowly started to faded away "I don't think that their good enough to be a Hashiras like the rest of us" the same cut guy said and who was started to get on my nerves

"now now Sanemi they worked hard like everyone else so they have the same rights as much as you" Oyakata-sama said, and his voice is so soft I could just sleep just by listening to him

"if they can beat me in a battle then they have the right to be called a Hashira, but if they don't beat me then they leave this place with utter shame" Sanemi said and Oyakata-sama tried to tell him that I do have the right to be here

"I'm sorry but I don't fight battles that are pointless and I don't want to waste my energy on a meanness battle" I said and that made Sanemi really mad "are you scared that I'm gonna mop the floor with you? are you chicken?" he really wants to have a fight and I finally agreed

I took out my sword (your sword looks like Inosaka's swords, but your swords has pink and black on them) when we got to our positions he made the first move he was fast and he all most have me a cut on my arm but I quickly dodged it "7th form foam!" I said so that he's quickness would be slowed down

"god dame it but I can still see" he got slowed down but he was still too fast for me and my slow self and he managed to cut me on my leg but that didn't stop me from trying to win this battle

(time skip to where you won the battle I'm bad at making fight scenes)

"what a good fight that was and the winner is (Y/N)" Oyakata-sama said "now sense the fight is over let's get back to what i was talking about" frankly I wasn't paying much attention to what Oyakata-sama was say I was looking at a certain boy with long black hair and turquoise tips from what I can see that boy looks the youngest out of all of them

"ok well take a short break and (Y/N) you can go now" Oyakata-sama said, I was already going to the bubble estate when this girl with pink hair with green tips came up to me and said "my name is Mitsuri and I'm th love pillar" I held my hand so we can have an handshake but she hugged me instead

and it was very awkward for me and probably her as well and when she stopped hugging I spoke

"(Y/N) Hashibira the bubble pillar" I said with a small fake smile cause I wanted to sleep I was really tried and I didn't want to be social right now

Our Bubble Love♥ Muichiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now