our first glance

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The second they met it was perfect. it's like they knew it was coming. Nothing matterd. Past life, future. It was just there and then.

All around the bar. Lafayette, Mulligan and Laurens. They were all good friends, but something. Just something felt different about Laurens for Hamilton. Nothing bad. But a good feeling, a feeling of hope happiness and peace.

~Hamilton's perspective~
Do I feel something towards this man. It lit up my day, something came over me. A light that never runs out. A light with love and forever. It feels so good. But is it right? My dearest Lauren's how I want to be with you, but is it a beg for mercy? Is it something I daringly need? Or is it a thought. a thing to keep my going. To imagine? but it's what I want. I need it. I love him.

~Lauren's perspective~
I'm not sure what hit me that night. Why do I feel this way? It's a first glance it can't mean anything. But he looked at me. perfect, am I in love? A feeling i want but naive to think about it. Alexander, do I feel love towards you? your so proud. I aspire it. I want it with me. I want you with me.

Hamilton and Lauren's talked at the bar, 2 hours maybe 3 hours, everything in total agreement. A connection was felt, something to say, something good. Smiles were so wide. But it was needed to hide. Nothing was safe then. dead if was noticed.

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