who do you miss the most, part 2

Start from the beginning

he was scared. tormented really, after quackity's second visit. he felt the most comfort he had in months in her arms.

after a couple minutes passed and his breathing steadied, she spoke.

"who did this to you?" he shivered as she asked.
"was it sam?" y/n whispered.

"quackity" dream cleared his throat mid-way and pulled himself out of her grip slightly. Her hands were still wrapped around his neck.

"quackity?! what - but these wounds they look like swords and - and-"

"sam let him torture me. he-he came in with weapons y/n. Sam has allowed him do this to me every single day"

"well i uh why would quackity even do this"

"do you not believe me?! do you think i did this to myself?!" he yelled in his raspy voice. it seemed as if he had yelled a lot. dream sounded real especially with the pain behind his voice

"no, no that wasn't my intention it's just—"

"that you also see me like everyone else does, and that's why you didn't visit me after all this time." he cut her off and supposedly finished her sentence.

she didn't know what to say. she just remained speechless, which was worse than any other response.

Dream scoffed, hurting his throat, and grabbed her hands pulling them off of him. "i would tell you to leave but this is better than q-quackity"

she felt awful. he was genuine and she hurt him.
"clay" she simply said his name and cupped his cheek. "i'm sorry" she added

Dream shook his head and stood up groaning. He limped to the corner and faced the wall. Y/N sighed and picked up his book which was on the floor where he sat.

"clay please"

There was a sudden urge in her to open the book. So she did. If he wasn't going to reply to her she wouldn't talk to him

As soon as she opened the book she read

"entry one. i miss her, i miss y/n"
she wasn't speechless for long. she looked at the page for a bit before looking up at Dream and closing the book shut. he turned around and looked up at her before snatching the book out of her hands. 

he didn't need to open the book to see what was in it. he knew exactly what book she read.  "Y/N-" he was mid-way saying her name when she caressed the right side of his face and interrupted him

"i missed your warmth, your scent. i missed your company. i missed the way you would hold me so close.. i miss knowing you're mine while everyone is oblivious and knows nothing about us. i miss being the only person to see your face every morning"

he shut his eyes as she spoke. he noticed the tone in her words change from past to present. by the end of her sentence she was whispering.

he held her wrist and palm, and pushed them up, resting his face on it.

"i miss you too Clay.."

as soon as she felt a tear fall down his cheek and bit her hand, he pulled away and stood up straight. there was a change in his attitude as if he was forcing himself to hold back.

He wasn't slouching anymore, he wiped his eyes and grabbed his mask, quickly putting it on.

now that! was the dream everyone saw. evil, cold and emotionless.

"why are you doing this" he asked bluntly turning around.

"doing what.." she asked confused.

"you know what i'm talking about. *stop* lying to me. you don't care. no one cares-"

"that's where you're wrong i did car-" she tried to speak but he continued, ignoring her comments.

"that's why i'm in here alone. i wasn't even given a chance to be better ... just tossed in here like i'm the only bad guy on this server" he got quiet near the end and crossed his arms.

"i realise how wrong that is, i do. but you also need to realise that everyone did this to protect themselves and the people they love from you. you were going to kill Tubbo and lord knows how far you would have gone.You had lost your mind you weren't Dream anymore"

"what about the people i love?"

"you drove away those people"

"not you. you left me."

"and you were just using me!"

"was i really? or did you just let what others said get into your head. you were convinced i was a monster, that i was manipulating you when all i ever was to you was honest. i never lied to you about my plans,about myself, about anything.  so tell me Y/N, did i 'use' you or did you simply not love me back"

y/n groaned frustrated and turned her back towards him until it hit her. "wait, love you back? when did you .. love me front?"

"you are an idiot"

// A/N

wrote this over the course of days so there is a difference in tone. i'll post part three later i really want to publish this now hehe :3 Also!! tysm for 2k reads you all are incredible <33

1441 words

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