I placed my mat on the sands and I'll do sunbathing.

"Portuguese?" I heard a girl asked.

"No" I said.

I glanced at her, she's a young girl, wearing a hoodie and shorts with a back pack with her.

"I saw you from over there and I thought you passed out" She said.

"You were checking me out?" I asked

"Uh! No no no! I mean, well not on purpose. I just... I accidentally-" I cutted her off.

"So, if I didn't look like I was about to pass out, you will just ignore me and gaze on something else?" I said.

She didn't answer she just look away.

"I'm okay though. Thank you." I said and I closed my eyes again.

"It's Lisa by the way." She said.

I didn't answer but I heard her walk away but she stopped and look back at me and she came back.

"Uhm..." She said as she got back to me.

"Can I help you Lisa?" I asked.

She scratch her nape.

"I just... I just wanted to ask... Are you korean?" She shyly asked.

I take off my sunnies "How did you know?" I said.

"Well, sometimes you just know. Well not physically, don't get me wrong. But sometimes korean people give off a certain non verbal gesture that gives away that they're korean. And oh! Sorry, your english too." She said.

"It seems like you're nervous" I said and smirked at her.

"I don't want to bother anyone" She said.

"Hey, young lady relax. Just relax" I said and I sitted.

He walked towards me and sitted beside me.

"I'm sorry to ask but what are you doing here in Portugal?" She asked.

"Tourist, what about you?" I said.

"My dad is an ambassador for Thailand here." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, we've been here for a year. So if you want to see a tourist spot or destination, I'm willing." She said.

"How much is the fee?" I said.

"None" She said.

"Thank for the offer, I'm okay." I said.

"Okay, have a good day Unnie" She said.

I scoffed "Wow? Really? Unnie?"

"Well I didn't get your name." She said

"It's Irene" I said.

"Enjoy Portugal, Irene. Bye Ma'am." She said and walked away.

"Ma'am?" For the second time I scoffed.

I thought she's going somewhere but she just walked not far from here and she took off her shirt and shorts.

Wow nice body huh.

She just enjoy herself while swimming.

"I'm here at the Torre Beach, I got bored at the house. I'll see you tonight for dinner. I wanna see your pictures. Okay bye." I said to the phone I'm talking to Jennie.

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