Chapter 6: Competitions, Competitions

Start from the beginning

We head off the bus and fastly jog to the crowded doors full of people with fully done makeup and perfect, beautiful costumes. I look at our girls and they don't even had their hair done. Maybe there is something to worry about today. We finally make it through the seemingly small doors and check in with the director of the competition.

Miss Abby checks us in and we head to find our makeup/hair/rehearsal space. We walk for about 2 minutes and find our room with the company's name on the door: ALDC. Good to be noticed. We open the door fastly and head to our separate stations. We set all of our things down and get prepared for the competition. The time is 8:20. We still have 40 minutes left at least. 

My Mom and all the other moms have their separate stations set up, and the girls get ready for the first dances. The solos are up first. Maddie, Chloe. Then the group dance, then the trios. Well trio and duet. Nia and Paige are doing a duet instead of the trio since I can't be in it. Not fair. 

8:38- 22 minutes til competition starts

All the girls are dressed in their first dance outfits, so Chloe, and Maddie are dressed in their solo wear, and the rest are dressed for the group routine. They start rehearsing their solos and Miss Abby critiques their moves they have to improve on. Maddie is up first since she is ready first. She gets in her first position gracefully, and graciously. I have always loved watching Maddie dance. So elegantly,smoothly. 

Next was Chloe. She is the same kind of dancer, but she like rarely wins first in her division. Cause of Maddie. Chloe was just so perfectly refined and a absolute perfectionist. I loved her dancing. 

We all wish them go luck and they head out. I hope they don't make any mistakes. I am crossing my fingers tight Maddie wins!

9:00 AM- Competition starting

We all take our seats and wait for the solos to go on.  We hear the announcer for the competition, he says:

" And now for a solo, number 877, this is Maddie with The Tears On My Pillow"

Everybody claps and sits in their seats as they prepare to watch Maddie. She walks on stage with an enormous grin and opportunity. She begins and I love it. It's so sad and graceful, I love it. Her leaps, turns, everything. After a few seconds, Maddie's dance is over and she heads off gracefully with her head up high. I love it.

" And now for a solo, number 928, this is Chloe with Breaking Heart"

We do the same. We clap for her, mostly Christi, and then we take our seats and watch Chloe perform. Her solo is a little more aggressive in the routine, but still lyrical. She uses so much emotion and character. Almost as good as Maddie, but still a little worse. After a minute or so, she ends on the floor with a hand on her heart and emotionally walks off, while everybody clapped and cheered and everything. 

That was all of the solos. Time to prepare for the next number.

 We get back to our room and everybody prepares for the group number. Paige and Brooke are already ready for it since they didn't have a solo. I tried to preoccupy myself while they got ready and rehearsed. I started to play with my wavy hair a bit, then I looked through the makeup and hair supplies. Kept me occupied until they were about to go on stage. They were all wearing cyan booty shorts, cyan top with tons of sequins, and a bright cyan bow to match their entire outfit on their heads. Cute. Wish I could've worn it. Nope. Not going to happen. Miss Abby prepares them before they go on and they had left to go backstage. We all headed back to our seats in the overflowed auditorium. Our seats were reserved, good thing no one stole our seats.

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