2: Literally Who the Fuck

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It was as if the otome game leaked into the real world seeing as I walked past people I recognized and was practically body slammed awake by my actual aunt.

At least I could follow Amber around all day but I don't know if I could sit there quietly as she bullies Ernisa. I can practically feel Ernisas hatred from her desk at the back of the class by the window. Of course she had the same class as the villain and other protagonists.

Ah yes some quality plot armor.

She kept her head down and only rose it when we all had to stand to greet the teacher as he entered.

Now if I remember correctly the 4 Knights were the homeroom/math teacher Claude Rickinson (The forbidden love route of the game), the bad boy Dion Clairmont (The enemies to lovers option), the spoiled rich boy Valentino Auguste (the classy option), and Lucas Moore (the Lolita but secretly yandere option). Of course I'm not completely sure about all of them and am going off stereotypes from previous otome games I've played because, not to brag or anything, but I've only completed the forbidden love route on easy mode.

Took 3 nights no sleep but was totally worth it to see them bang- did I mention this game was 19+?

(A/N:Thats right minors, leave.)

If only I did that in a healthy manner so I could remember all the events that are going to happen so I can avoid them.

Like I said I can't stand bullying or being associated with toxic people. That pretty much sums up my school life at 15. No wonder I'm here.

Well, not getting involved was my initially thought, before our homeroom teacher walked in and my stummy started to hurt.

A tall glass of muscular young teacher entered, his brown hair cleanly cut and his suit kissing the curves of his boob window.

I could feel my knees start to wobble as I gripped the edge of my desk.

I see the otome game animation did you no justice sweet Thang.

His eyes slid over the room as we greeted him and when his eyes met mine I winked and mouthed a "call me". My inner whore was coming out from my college years of one night stands. His brown eyed gaze reminded me of a fierce dominant wolf.

There go the writer in me coming out.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he spun toward the blackboard, "Take your seats."

What? Don't judge me, technically it's legal.

And it worked when I played the forbidden route. His exact words were,"Your boldness captivated me."

Granted he was talking to Ernisa when he said that and it was after she was finally able to confidently speak up for herself during class. Then they f*cked in the gym locker roo-

I turned to Ernisa scribbling shit he already had onto the board in her notebook as if her pen was on fire.

I dont really wanna steal home girls man if I'm being honest with ya.

Not really sure who I was kidding. I haven't been on a date since Hitler died and this hallucination of me inside some game ain't gonna change that. I think I should turn in my bra and just give up on being a woman altogether. Shave my head and become a monk, unless monks have to be virgins that have no history of substance abuse and a criminal record. Guess Ill try for president if i ever wake u-


I jolted at the sound of my name in shock and whipped my head toward the teacher who probably called me more than once. The class erupted in laughter at me being called out as I let out a "yes?" Pretending to be unbothered.

"Since you seem to be such an expert at math that you can't even bother paying attention to my lecture, how about you come and answer this equation on the board," he peered at me over his glasses all sexy like.

I got up toward my seat striding confidently next to him at the board. All that confidence deflated as soon as my blind ass got a better look at the equation. Now I'm not math genius but I have had a least a B+ in every math class I've ever taken.

What the fuck is this, gibberish?

I nearly scowled at Claude and grabbed the fresh piece of chalk at the bottom of the board as Mr. Rickinson towered over my shoulder, examining me like a lion eyeing a gazelle in the fields of Africa.

I dont discriminate, Simba was fine too.

"Today Miss. Agriche,"Mr. Rickinson rushed me in a monotone voice. I swallowed the dryness in my throat to stop the retort in the back of my throat and raised to write my hand to write.

As soon as the chalk hit the board the classroom door slid open and everyone looked to see who interrupted the beginning of my mental breakdown in front of the class.

I was about to thank my savior when I noticed the intense red eyes and jet black hair that adorned the beautiful man. He walked in, unaffected by the stares.

Another game route Dion Clairmont, the games Bad Boy.

The Bad Boy's YandereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon