2: Literally Who the Fuck

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Celest P.O.V

My palms started sweating and my feet started to tingle. I was either: horny, nervous, scared, or needed to shit. Maybe a combination of all three as I tried to keep a level head.

My eyes were practically bulging out of my skull at the realization and my forehead was on fire.

Normally I'd pick up a book or two... or the 65 that are in my library that I need to catch up on about romance. The usual boy meets girl, falls in love, pursues her. They end up getting it on then married or married then getting it on.

Or boy meets boy. Boy stalks boy. Boy kidnaps stalker boy. They elope because boy thinks boy is boys dead mom. You know romance.

It's thrilling, exciting. Slaps you in the face and calls you Christine. And now I'm just saying random shit.

Initially I read books but being unmarried and single at the age of 32 was starting to take a toll on me and books weren't enough. So when my editor introduced me to the world of otome games I had a lot of sleepless nights and missed calls I never got to.

Being a freelance writer was the only reason I was able to slack off so much and still make a living but that's a story for another time.

I glanced at the girl next to me, talking animatedly again and messing with her manicure.

With every protagonist there was an antagonist and it seemed like I was in kahoots with Amber Lashauné the girl who terrorized Nerdy Erny- I mean Ernisa throughout the entire game.

Does that make me co-villain or a bystander extra that's not even mentioned in the game because last I checked Amber didn't have some girl she was clinging to 25/8. A squad, yes.

I raised my head above the seat to see bimbo 2 and 3 behind my seat tapping on their phone's with their nails also manicured, basically carbon copies of Amber with the same straight hair and glossy lips.

Because individuality in make believe highschools was a crime.

I slid back down in my seat and stared at my finger nails feeling somewhat naked. Compared to them I really did look like I was picked up off the street.

The bus halted with a screech that made my head hurt even more and I rolled my eyes,"Damned bus driver got his license off a hit and run I swear to god."

Amber placed her hands over her lips,"Celest what's with you today you've been cursing like a Sailor all morning. Don't tell me Jeremy was Itty bitty?"

We made our way off the bus as I held back a smile and purposely raised my voice for everyone to hear,"on my momma Jeremy's dick is so small we had to use a microscope to put it in."

Which lead to a bunch of exclamations of surprise and stares from passerbys as we made out way into the school yard.

That's right asshole. I hope whispers about your microscopic cock terrorize you and your family for generations.

I realized I was probably acting different from the way they normally see me.

But I know my actual personality would be a turn off for someone who is portrayed as pissy and high maintanence. Not to mention a bitch and really self centered.

Nonetheless, I decided to follow Amber and her trio, seeing as she didn't say anything when I walked along with them to wherever their class was and proceeded to take the seat next to her as we walked into class.

I settled down the inner panic that crept inside knowing I had no idea what was going on, why I was here and why my school looked different but somehow.. the same?

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