Meeting The Family

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    Mr. Zhao was very impressed  on meeting Mr. Shen with his body guards. Looking like a mafia boss and waving to his men to leave.

    "Mr. Zhao nice to meet you!" He bow and handshake him. "The pleasure is mine!" Both men laugh making Mrs. Zhao and the two love birds sweat. "Is your father always like this?" Yunlan whispered  to Shen Wei.  "Well yes!" He answered back.

    As they discuss the wedding of the two Mr. Shen told to Mr. Zhao that everything he have already taken care off. Mr. Zhao pride  was a little  hurt eventhough  they're  not rich he want to take part of his only son's  wedding. So he insist to help. First they're  laughing and discussing  the wedding preparation. Until it became a heated argument.

    "His my only child I want to see him properly get married!" Said Xin ci. "That's  why I'm telling you I have already planned  it! Wei is my precious  eldest son! And they will stay at my house so we can take care of them!" Mr. Shen politely said. Xin ci laugh, "They're  already adults and no need your protection! So I insist that Yunlan would buy a small house for the two of them! Well near our house just to check on them time to time.  So you won't  get worried about your son?!"

   Mr. Shen laugh loud and loosing his patient, " I can't  bother you with that! We have plenty of servants here! Since Yunlan will be working in my company Wei will be left alone! My servants will accompany him here! Plus Shen Wei needs his physical therapy so he can walk again." Xin ci laugh louder almost pounding the table making everyone sweat. "I think your father is getting angry!" Shen Wei  whispered  to Yunlan. "I think your father as well?" Because in a moment  Mr. Shen laugh loud as well while pounding his fist on the table.

    "Please! Both of you stop! Let the children decide it!" Shout Mrs. Zhao. The two fathers suddenly  look at their sons.  "Yunlan tell to your father in law you will have a house near to our house! And we could accompany Wei time after time there when your working!" Xin ci glared at Yunlan. "Son! Tell your father in law that you need to stay at the manor! We have many servants here! Plus your didi will accompany  you here as well!" Mr. Shen hold Shen Wei's  shoulder and start rubbing it making Shen Wei  sweat.

    In an hour the two lovely couple went outside to take some fresh air. "I didn't  know getting marry is quite hard!" Sigh Yunlan. Shen Wei  blink his beautiful  doe eyes. "Why Ah Lan? Don't  you want to marry me?!" Suddenly  a tears drop from his eyes. "!!! I mean yes! A million yes I want to marry you!" He suddenly  kneeled down to face his lover and wipe his tears by his fingers.

     "I promise to myself I won't  make you cry again!" And kissed both of his soft cheeks. Being in Shen Wei's  present making Yunlan's  heart beat fast and his scent making him calmed  and relax. Yunlan can't  help to hugged his fragile angel and kiss his soft, pink lips. "I can't  wait for you to be mine!" Shen Wei  felt butterflies  all over inside. Yunlan always made him beautiful and secure in his arms. Like a precious porcelain doll that always being taken care off.

    "Whatever the outcome of our decision, I assure you will be together forever!" Yunlan cup his chin and kiss his worries away. When suddenly  they heard Yunlan's  mother scream. Both gone back to the house just to see Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Shen's men stopping  the two fathers fighting at one another. "Dad?!" Shout Yunlan. "Please Father don't  do this?!" Said Shen Wei  to Mr. Shen. Both cough and laugh. As they pat each other back and straightened their suite. They're  a bit embarrassed  they are caught by their sons fighting one another.

    "Son! Don't  worry! Where just having a friendly discussion?" Said Xin ci. "Yes.....yes! Why would we fight! His gonna  be your in laws!!! Right Xin ci?!!!" Ask Mr. Shen. Mr. Zhao fake a smile and wound his arms to Mr. Shen's shoulder who frown but smile again. "Why yes?! I don't  want my son and son in law to get worried!" Both men look at each other and made a fake laugh. "Were friends!!!"

    Yezun suddenly  came, making Mr. Shen frown. "Your late! Were discussing  the marriage of your gege to Yunlan!" When he notice a ring on Yezun's  finger. "What is that?!" Yezun tried to hide it. But Mr. Shen's  hand was fast. He quickly  hold Yezun's  wrist. "Wow! An engagement  ring!" Shen Wei  said and tried to look at it as well. Making Mr. Shen frown, "Who is it?!!! Don't  tell me it's  that crazy, cat boy?!!!!!!" He shout.

    "But Dad!" Yezun pleaded.  Mr. Shen suddenly  pointed to his room, "We will talk later!" Shen Wei  now felt  pity to his didi. This is the first time someone is serious  to him but they're  father won't  approve  it because Da quing's  is the child who kidnapped  him and Yunlan.
Yunlan sense the sadness  of his bride to be. "Do you want me to talk to your father?" Shen Wei  grabbed  his hand.

   "Not now Ah Lan! My father is quite angry, he might cancel  our wedding!" Yunlan caress his soft cheek, "That won't  happen  I promise to you!"

   In an hour as they settle about the wedding, Yunlan tried to talk to Mr. Shen about Yezun and Da quing.  He tried to convince him that his friend is not a monster like his father and promise that Da quing  won't  make Yezun cry.

    "Yunlan let me think about it! I know Da quing  also help you two out of that laboratory! But I can't  help to be furious everytime I see Da quing.  It remind me of what his father have done to you and to my son!" Said Mr. Shen.


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