Chapter 2

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"Now what?" I asked as soon we were in front of the school. It was quite. I did see something in the distance. I'm sure it was a another zombie. And I knew if we stayed here we would probably die.

"Well from the looks of things. It looks like a zombie apocalypse." Ethan said frowning.

"How could this happen?!" I shouted angrily. I clenched my hands together making them into fists. We were at school one moment then the next zombies invade the world.

"I'm not sure. All I can remember is waking up with dead bodies surrounding me." Ethan murmured. I sighed and took a deep breath. I don't want Ethan to see me like this. Right now we got focus on getting out of here and surviving.

"Alright Ethan still got them scissors?" I asked. He nodded and showed the pair of scissors in his hand. I knew it wasn't going help us much and we needed to find a weapon soon.

"Ok heres what were going to do. We going have leave the school find a safe place to stay. It had to have food, water and at least protect us for the night. I was thinking finding a house." I suggested.

"What about the zombies?"

"We'll have to sneak past them and get weapons. One for each of us."

"Ok." We walked until we saw a couple of houses close by. Unfortunately for us though there was also zombies surrounding them.

"Remember Ethan what I said."


"Good." We both hid behind bushes next to the house. We watched the zombies as the walked into the streets. We went to the backdoor of the house since their was no way we could get to the front door. It was open. We went carefully in watching out for any zombies. We checked each room. In one of the rooms a kid was dead on the bed with bullet to the brain. He turned was one of them. Ethan looked away immediately and covered his mouth.

I went to look through the drawers and found a pistol hidden under pairs of socks and undergarments. It was loaded thankfully. Then I searched the closets and under the beds. I found a baseball bat for Ethan. At first it looked like he didn't feel right taking it but then he took it anyway.

We went through the back and saw two zombies this time. I let Ethan kill them cause a gun shoot would cause to much noise and attract more zombies.

"Alright Ethan!!" I said and high fived him. Then after we decided to find a place to stay the night.

"I think we should find a house and soon."

"I don't know though. I worried about zombies." Ethan said giving me hey I don't wanna die today look.

"Ethan we'll both clear out the zombies and then leave as soon it turns daylight. And then we'll head towards Atlanta I'm sure they got some kind of base." I suggested.

"Alright base it is." Ethan said. I wonder if there is a base in Atlanta and if I'll see anyone. I missed my family and my friends. I'm sure Ethan does too. We found a house in a different direction and killed three zombies. The house looked pretty safe for now at least. Me and Ethan moved the couch in front of the door and sealed off the windows with blankets.

There were rooms but me and Ethan didn't want to sleep in the rooms. Someone died there or we're sure. I found blood stained carpet and sheets. The thought made me shiver at knowing someone was strapped to the bedposts and killed because of a disease that turned the ones you loved into monsters.

I let Ethan take the couch. I took the floor. I didn't mind. I was going to lean and sleep against the wall anyway most likely. I set down my gun and knife I found on the ground. I wrapped the blankets around me and looked at Ethan. He was asleep. I guess he was tired. I shrugged and went to sleep.

I sure hope there is somewhere safe.

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