Chapter 1: To You, 2000 Years in the Future

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The Fall of Zhiganshina

I waved Hanuel goodbye as I exited the cabin to head into town. I also left first thing in the morning to buy some loaves of bread and vegetables. But, vegetables around here are surprisingly hard to come by so that's why I was shopping in the morning. I had a cloth bag in my hands as I ran past the many pedestrians. I had just enough coins in my dress pocket to get what I needed.

I spotted a bakery shop that had loaves of bread sat in a basket on a counter. A man with cherry red cheeks greeted me with a smile. "Nice to see you again, Noami. The usual, I presume?" He asked, he had a thick accent-- different to Hanuel's however. Yep, that was the only accent that I could recognize. I nodded with a grin, pulling out my three golden coins, but suddenly one of my coins began to fall out of my pocket. I quickly placed the other two coins on the counter before holding out my hand. A magenta-colored electricity formed around my fingers then around the coin that was falling.

It suddenly stopped in midair. I'd gotten a bit used to my powers. I mean, I didn't exactly know how to do anything, only float stuff and move stuff. I know, boring. I saw the bakery man sigh, crossing his arms. "You've got to keep your gifts hidden, Noami. No one 'round here would want someone with power walking around inside the walls." He said. I slightly moved my fingers, making my coin go back to my hand. I caught it before placing it on the counter. "Sorry, I just don't realize I'm doing it till someone points it out." I said.

The Bakery Man was the only person who knew about my powers because, well, my mother and father visited the bakery almost every day and the man became trusted enough to know our secret. I gave him my bag and placed one loaf of bread and a pastry inside. He gave me back the bag with a smile. "I put an extra treat in there, just for you." He said. I smiled back before bidding him good day. I walked further in the town.

I saw people running towards the entrance of the wall in crowds, so I decided to join them. I looked at the soldiers as they rode past, they didn't look too happy. I looked further down the line to see that only about twenty soldiers were on horses, most were bandaged up, they looked sickly. Oh, dear.

"What happened to them?" I heard someone say beside me. I looked to my right to see a boy with short brunette hair and prominent green eyes as well as a girl with shoulder length black hair and a red scarf. I sighed. "The titans, that's what happens when you go outside of the walls. It's tragic." I spoke. I heard the boy slightly gasp.

I looked over at him before holding out my hand. "Noami Kyong." I introduced myself to the boy. He then shook mine, "Eren Jaeger." He said. I've never heard that name before, and usually I knew the people who lived around here.

"Nice to meet you." I said with a warm grin. I let go of his hand, I couldn't stay long here, I needed to head back home. "Well, I'm heading home. I'll see you guys around." I said before walking away from the two. I walked down the pebble roads. I looked up in the sky to see that two red robins were flying above me, reminding me that my parents got crushed by a titan and I was the only one that survived. And it made me sick to my stomach, why was I the only one that survived? Why did I have to live with this pain?

The pebbles cracked and moved under my feet as I walked. My curly short black hair blew in my face a bit and I moved it to the side. As I passed by a little alleyway in between two houses I heard grunts of pain and like someone was getting badly hurt. I turned my head and stopped walking. What was happening? I walked back to the alleyway and spotted three kids—who looked my age—beating up a boy with chin length blonde hair. His face was bruised and bleeding.

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