it reminds you that you should probably check twitter, but even seeing the little bird makes you worry that you are going to see someone try to cancel you again. you grab your phone out from the back pocket of your jeans, slightly pulling away from tommy's chest and opening the app, seeing a bunch of people freaking out about dream and sapnap being with george.

you smile at the tweets, seeing how much those 3 men mean to twitter, they love them and they would do anything for them. you like a few of the tweets and close the app, opening snapchat and having a bunch of unread snapchats, really only wanting to open the ones from emma.

you tap on the screen seeing a video of emma laughing at something her cat was doing, the next video is her making out with her harry styles cardboard cutout, you laugh at the video and screenshot it, saving that for whenever she decides to post a bunch of random videos of you on her story.

the next picture was her on a discord call with someone, her captioning the picture "i met this girl on tommy's server, she's talking how much she loves you." you smile at the picture. you double-tap the little camera icon, snapping her back.

you look at the picture, tommy's head is up, paying attention to wherever we were going, and your eyes just visible above the screen, you smile at it and save it, knowing that you're going to reminisce over that picture when you have to leave.

you feel the car come to a stop and pull away from tommy, looking out of your window, noticing a very large modern house, the complete opposite of the cottage core airbnb. you smile and get out, tommy following along.

he softly grabs your hand, keeping you close to him, he follows clay inside and you notice how large the house is, the roof easily being 20 feet tall, a grand staircase going up both sides of the room, a hallway being in-between.

you drag tommy up the stairs and he laughs slightly at your excitement, you look around the house, opening almost every door and peering inside. you get to the bathroom and see the large bathtub and smile thinking about how much better it is than the one at the old house. this bathroom having a lot less history.

you lead tommy out of the bathroom and back down the stairs, wilbur's trunk open and everyone grabbing out their suitcases. you grab yours, the case slightly too heavy but you manage, you tug it along, the roller wheels hitting every crack in the pavement. the light sprinkles hitting the windbreaker.

you bring the suitcase upstairs, choosing a room and tommy coming in as well, "we're sharing a room?" you ask, looking at the queen size bed sitting in the middle of the room. "yeah, i don't see a problem, you've barely slept in your room your whole stay here." he responds and you nod your head, unzipping your suitcase and opening the dresser drawers.

you fold up all the clothing and put them away, leaving 2 drawers for tommy if he wanted to put his clothes in the dresser. you stand your suitcase up next to the dresser, grabbing the tv remote off the nightstand and turning the tv on, you scroll through the owner's netflix, seeing if there are any good shows to watch.


the rain picked up to large drops, hitting the roof and making calming sounds throughout the house, wilbur went back over to the airbnb and grabbed at the stuff we forgot, like the xbox that clay is currently playing minecraft on.

schlatt is sitting next to him, watching him speedrun into the nether, you smile at tommy sitting next to you, looking at him and his blue eyes, ones that you think you could drown in if you were to stare into them for too long.

his hand engulfs yours, the combined hands resting on your knee. his phone is on the other hand, playing imessage 8ball with someone, he hits the 8ball in, slightly cursing to himself. "you know you aren't supposed to hit the 8ball in first?" you ask jokingly and he shakes his head.

"i'm so bloody terrible at that game and that's all tubbo wants to play." he whispers to you, and you giggle at him, knowing that he's not really that mad at his best friend.

you look around the room, seeing how large it really is, dark wooden beams keep the ceiling from falling in, the upstairs balcony is seen from where you're sitting. numerous couches and chairs are littering the

the living room, everyone is filled up by someone.

"goddamn piglings give me something better than fire res!" dream yells at the tv and you laugh at him. he looks over at you and squints his eyes in a joking manner. you smile wide at him, basically telling him to 'fuck off.'

you quickly flash your watch into eyes view, reading it and gasping at the time 11:39pm, you immediately question how you have been watching dream play minecraft for 5 hours, and then a wave of tiredness washes over you, making you want to go up to your room and cuddle with tommy.

"i'm going to bed, goodnight everyone," you say, getting up from the chair and tommy follows you, you make it to the bedroom, instantly getting in bed and going under the warm blankets, the rain hitting the side of the large windows, calming you even more.

tommy gets in the bed as well, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him. your nose is filled with the smell of him and you smile, your eyes slowly shut, your body goes to sleep, as well as tommys.


super long chapter to make up for the 2 weeks i didn't upload (still feeling bad about it btw) 


i made a discord server based around this book, aswell as other wattpad fanfictions you want to talk about! the link is in my bio on wattpad, aswell as in the very first chapter (a/n). it would mean a lot to me if you joined it, i'm always super active on discord and i want to get to know my community better. 

the link for the server:

thank you guys for all the reads and votes.

i love you <3


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