entry 1

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May 30th

Sitting through graduation was the longest 2 hours of my life. I wanted to get out of there so bad, I didn't even throw my cap, I just left. Ophelia was waiting in the van outside. We had packed it that morning. I got in, and we were gone. 

I hated living in that tiny town, nothing to do, and no one to talk to. Except Ophelia, we met in the 7th grade and we've been friends ever since. We've been planing this sense freshmen year. I had just gotten into a fight with my dad, and we vowed that we would leave as soon as we could.  And its finally happened. 

We drove for a few hours, sunset rolled around and we set up camp near Moab Utah. We had only planned as much as we thought we would need, because what's the fun in planning out your future? So, we kinda just, drove off the road into the desert and set up a ten and a fire. I was nervous for a bit that someone would come and yell at us, but then I remember. Who would punish me? I'm 18 now, I'm an adult. I can do what I want, without dad getting mad. 

Once I realized that, I felt free. We smoked a bit, sang songs we came up with on the spot, made dinner, and talked till we fell asleep. 

That night I slept under the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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