He had arrived to his current location after traveling with a caravan of people. He snuck off without them noticing, following his instincts -- the kind of instincts an angel has to sense gods and divine forces. But it felt very weak, and as the Goddess of Light had said, there are neither temples nor places of worship nearby. Because of this, he thought it very strange to have sensed either faith or prayers somewhere around him.

"Keep your eyes open..." The green-haired goddess had enormously limited powers in this place, unable to see anything beyond 500 meters of the angel. This small field of vision was only seen thanks to the crown of laurels Pit wore on his head.

"Oh boy," Pit tried joking, as he was already bored with the terrain looking like wide grounds and not much else.

"What did I say about this?" reproached the goddess. "You're only going to end up disappointing yourself if the stories aren't as they say."

"But it's just that if Kratos appears—," here enthusiasm filled the angel's blue eyes, "--he's a legend in battle! I don't think he'd be that disappointing; surely he's faced a lot of things before to protect his son."

"I'll contact you again later," Palutena said, as the young angel kept talking.

"Well, remember that he's a martyr in mythology-! With that time Ares played dirty, and then the way he confronted Zeus... aaand, you're not even listening." A sigh left his lips, though not as much as previous times, since he wasn't up against Medusa, Pandora, or any Aurum aliens this time (for now, anyway).

The angel lowered his face in surrender, as he had to adapt. He was really used to always having someone right there to talk to, and it'd feel too pathetic to start talking to himself again.

He raised his eyes to observe the peaceful area as the wind blew. It didn't feel that cold, even if he only had one layer to hide his precious wings. Earthly conditions like this where minimal to him.

A mountainous landscape could be seen in the distance, its surroundings filled with frozen pines that had ice on the branches. And snow, lots of snow. The flora was not very green otherwise.

The ambience was different from where he normally guarded, and he didn't know if it was because the gods he was used to seeing weren't around, or if it was the odd silence he'd been met with here. Well, there were some normal days when he didn't see many other beings, either.

The occassional deer entered into his view while walking, along with much of the other harmoniusly acclimated fauna as well.

But Pit had to focus. He shouldn't let himself get distracted with things of the human world, as he was sent here to find answers for the goddess. Though, he didn't really know what he was supposed to be looking for.

His walk got slower as he was practically dying to fly, but his orders were to search from the ground (something he really didn't get, but went along with).

Pit started feeling bored, and then craved a meal, as he felt stuck in the middle of nowhere.

He sat on a rock to rest and analyze the situation.

"If I was a god, where would I want my people to worship me..." He supported his head in his hands. And as if by some miracle, he felt a surge of energy in the area. He was closer to someone's prayer than the last time. It felt like a call to Zeus, commander of the heavens, but the call was full of fear.

Pit got up to find answers. In heading toward the direction of the prayer, he saw a line of smoke rising in the distance. Incense? Or a campfire? He'd find out upon arrival. Pit started running faster to go see.

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