"Tch" I thought. "Damn rookies. That posture will change soon". I continued forward until I stopped just a short distance from them, planting myself in a solid stance and sweeping my gaze over them. Two were taller then myself, a blonde boy with hair split down the middle and a black haired boy. There was a lingering silence as I started to analyse each and every one of them.

I slowley swept my gaze over there faces, daring them to look back at me. While most kept their eyes front, 2 challenged me back. One was a young girl with blonde hair swept to the right, and the rest tied up in a messy bun at the back. She had pale blue eyes and delicate but defined features. She was the same height as me.

She stared back at me before I moved in front of her, her face only a few inches away from mine. I continued to stare at her, challenging her. She stared back for a second, before proceeding to look straight through me, as though I were made of glass.

I narrowed my eyes before moving onto challenger number two, the tall boy blonde hair split down the middle. He seemed older than I was. He, however, continued to look me directly in the eye after I stood to him.

I sent a quick, but sharp punch straight into his upper diaphragm and watched as his eyes widened and he crouched over slightly, trying to catch his breath and low enough to the point he was at eye contact with me. I grabbed his hair and pulled it back, bringing his eyes up to mine.

"You got something to say to me?"

I asked in a monotone and croaky voice. He shook his head, dropping his gaze toward the ground. I let go, watching him stand back up and avoiding looking at me all together now, before slowley walking back and standing near Maggot.

"Now caddets, meet Y/n Tyber, the current possesor of the War Hammer Titan".

I saw eyes widen and body postures shift, indicating suprise and nervousness.

"He will be joining you rats in your training to serve Marley for the next two years, ensure you keep up with his pace, as we expect that at the minimum from you all. If you manage this, you will gain possession of your titans and be sent to paradise to recover the co-ordinate. If you succeed, you and your families will be garuanteed citizenship, as promised by the government.........."

Magath droned on, but I had lost all intrest and turned to head back to my secluded bed, away from the noise and presence of those around me. I placed my hands in my pockets and closed my eyes, slowley walking away before I heard a light whistling coming from my right. I ducked my head forward slightly, not bothering to open my eyes and heard the whiz pass above, where my head had originally been.

I lazily straightenes and looked to the left and saw a stong tumble across the ground before slowing to a stop. I looked back to the right and saw I was passing the soilders bunk house, which consisted of a two story building, light exterior wood panneling and a poarch with chairs around a large coffee table.

On these chairs sat five soilders, all sneering in my direction, multiple beer bottles in hand and on the tables surface. The first on the left was skinny and tall and had a mop of wild curley hair.

The second on his left was slightly larger, but had a ridiculously styled mustache. While it looks like he made an effort at styling the moustache, it more so resembled the feathers you would see sticking out a birds ass than facial hair.

On his right sat a large, muscular looking man, could have been in his mid to late twenties with a stupid grin on his face.

Next to him was the 2nd in command officer, whos name I had not bothered to remember and finally, there was a fat pudgy little man who resembled what I would call a goblin, as fat as he was tall and with a face that would look better broken.

"Keep moving you filth, and take that disgusting gaze of us at once" I heard the plump one in the far right hand chair shout. I sighed, having stared at them for a moment, before turning around and continuing on my way.
I heard that same whizzing once again, but this time, I turned and caught the stone in my left palm before flicking it to my right hand and hurling it back, shattering the beer bottle that was in the fat ones hand.

All 4 looked down in suprise, before looking back at me, stunned looks in their faces and eyes. I momentatily stared back, before smirking slightly and making my way back to my bunk.

"This could be entertaining....." I thought, looking over the bright blue sky and smiling, in thought of the events to come for the next few years.

The War Hammer ( AOT x Male Reader story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें